Behind the scene

377 13 1

broken Memory

Phil - so I have to run to my house to the park?

Skylar - yep-

Phil - what a cliche scen-

* Smack *

" Don't question it "

Phil - ouch sky..whyy

Skylar - bc I can


Alternate Universe

Phil - umm..are you sure you want to do this?

Skylar - yes! Positive! I want to!

Phil - alright..if you say so..

Phil then Push the botton then boom!

Phil1 - EEeeK! *Oof* what the-? Where am I? Where are my Books!? ಥ_ಥ

Phil2 - * notices about to fall so he Fall in style while he's right hand is on the floor while the other is hanging..and his right knees is on the ground while the other is not *

Where am I? I'm not on the Korea's Gym Training....

Philip 3 - you're going dow-!

The third Philip went flying straight to the wall

* He said as he scratches the back of his neck and stretches and check if any of his wings are broken

Phil - is that enought?

Skylar - hmm..yeah it enought!

All the 3 Phil's - who are you!?

All of them went into a defensive Positions..Battle to the death I think-

Skylar - woah! Wait a second! I'm here to make Peace!

The 3 Phil's have started asking questions and Phil just sigh while facepalm for this will take a lot of time


The secret Hybrid

Chapter 3...

Phil - oh look at how CUTE I am!

Spain - awww I can't believe it! I will surely meet you soon~

Amerika - that's not fair! You're the first one!

Japan - I'll just stay here

Skylar have put all of them in the toddler mode...


This is a Draft that surprisingly is to short-

Phil sing despacito... Spain witness it.. blushing hard.... Phil ask what despacito means... Then Spain just said... " It means 'Slow' "

Phil - " What? "


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