His Silent Heart

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★Fistonia Fans out there, don't attack meh (• ▽ •;)★

Over 3,000+ words, Enjoy! OvO

“ Woooooooooooo—”

“Stop it Philip”

“Im ze Ghost of Da futUre
Be afRaIiiiiiiiiid”

“Phil you are starting to get annoying, Papa Needs us—”

“Ay Kabayong Tikbalang MUMU!”

“Philippines! Stop that!”

Yep..Martial and Philippines Are ghost boo! 🕳️👄🕳️)...

The whole Maharlika Family are dead and  Philip died because of  blood lost, I'm not gonna explain how he died but let's just say It was a bloody fight

“ Phil please! I'm begging you to stop! I'm gonna die—”

But you're already dead! 0w0”

“I— (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻”

“you just broke the poor table •-•”

“Do I look like I care?”

“aishhhh, You're no fun”

It was just a normal Day and Phil was just playing with Martial to cure his boredom and no, he doesn't look like his all blue with a finless Mermaid tail floating around. He looks just like himself.....

“Why don't you go visit that friend of yours you keep on talking about?”

Phil did have a Human Friend...they knew each other like brothers and Sisters but one of them feels more than just that

“Oh great idea! Bye bye Kuya!”

Phil left to go and Find His friend while Martial sat there dumbfounded of how His lil brother would react Everytime he mentioned that girl

“hays...how oblivious of him”

Back to our Character, His seen jumping up then running around, using his Happy energy that he have to make things more happier to his perspective. He went a little more before finding the girl she have been looking for and the happiness on his face have shown a little more than just excitement, finding his friend who's the only living thing that he can talk to.

For some reason Philip would sometimes just stand there like a frozen statue wondering why he would just gaze at her. He wonders..what she up to?

Following the girl, He silently wish he's alive so that he can hold her hand or protect her. He have been dreaming of being able to finally hug her to thank her of all the comfort she have given her this years of them spending their time together.

Snapping out of his thoughts as he gave his head a little shake. He shouted her name gaining the female's attention....


The girl named Estonia stop, hearing her name called out. She turn around and gently smiled seeing the person who called for her. For some reason this made Philip more happier and became even more determine to protect her at all cost. Even if he's just a spirit lingering around this world

“Is there anything you need?”

Phil look fluttered now realizing that he only came here cause his Kuya or big brother says so. With quick thinking, he decided to go and do just that

“My brother was getting tired of me so I went here to hang  out with you!”

With his smile, surely the girl would be unaffected seeing him like this every day but. She feels... different

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