76 | a million ways

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Layla stood there, looking at herself in the mirror, her hands shaking

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Layla stood there, looking at herself in the mirror, her hands shaking. She took a couple of deep breaths, and Pansy approached her, fixing up her hair from the back.

"You look gorgeous Layla. I'm so jealous honestly, I can't believe it Henry Peters invited you himself to a ball!"

"Honestly, I'm more nervous than excited." Layla laughs anxiously.

"Don't worry love. Nothing will go wrong or anything." She shrugs.

There's a million ways this could go wrong. A million ways he could figure it all out. A million ways the mission could fail. A million ways I could die.

"Hopefully not Pansy."

"Sweet heavens Layla you look amazing!" Luna says in amazement, entering the girl's dorm, followed on by a group of boys.

Layla's boys.

"Hey guys." Layla laughs, watching them all enter the dorm, but her eyes land on one boy and one boy only.

His eyes scan her body, his jaw drops, as his gaze meets hers. She smiles and he stands there speechless.

"And she does it again." Dylan sighs.

"You look amazing Layla." Theo says.

"BEAUTIFUL!" Enzo adds.

"Stunning." Liam nods.

"Jaw dropping." Blaise gasps.

"Mid." Draco shrugs and all the boys turn to Malfoy and begin to whack him.

"Mine." Riddle says, and everyone falls silent, as he takes a few steps forward towards her.

"EVERYONE OUT! Give them a minute." Pansy directs them, pointing towards the door, as they all scurry out.

Enzo slaps his hand over his mouth, looking at Ridde and Lopez, Blaise puts his thumbs up and Theo rubs his hands together, making Layla giggle.

Once they've left and shut the door, Mattheo slowly takes another step forward, his eyes not leaving hers as he eliminates the space between them. He holds onto both of her hands and he takes a deep breath.

"Cat got your tongue Riddle?" Layla laughs, tilting her head as she smiles, gazing into his eyes.

"Merlin, I think so." He chuckles, clearing his throat. "I- Layla-"


"God you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He takes a breath, looking away for a second as he smiles.

Both their faces turn a rosey pink colour, and Layla giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"This suit looks good on you." She whispers, looking down at the all-black suit he wears, paired with a silver wrist watch and silver chain around his neck.

"I just called you the most beautiful girl in the world and you compliment my suit!? What is this." He sighs, and Layla laughs at his reaction.

"In the world?" Layla questions.

"I guess so." He shrugs.

"You guess so? Yeah?" She scoffs, before laughing at the same time with him.

They catch each other's gaze for a second and pause, Layla taking in a breath.

"I don't want you to go all alone Layla." Mattheo says lowly, his tone now very much serious.

"I know. But it has to be done."

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Okay? Me and the boys will be there Layla. You can count on us."

"I trust you, and the boys, will all my heart Mattheo. You'll be right there, won't you?"

"Within a matter of moments, don't you worry." He reassures her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, both of his hands resting on her waist. "Just... be safe for me. Please?"

She takes a moment, tilting her head slightly as she looks up into his eyes, noticing that they're watering up.

Tiptoeing slightly, she pulls him in for a long awaited hug, her hold around his neck tightening as he pulls her closer, hiding his face in the crook of Layla's neck when he leans down to reach her height. They embrace each other in their arms and Layla sniffles, a single tear drop rolling down her cheek.

"I'll be safe for you Mattheo Riddle." She whispers. "I'll be safe."

"I wish I could stay like this in your arms forever Layla." He whispers against her ear.

"One day, Mattheo. When all of this is over, we can finally be together. Without anyone being in the way. Okay?"

"You promise?"

She pulls back from the hug and holds out her pinky finger.

"I pinky promise."

He locks his finger with hers, before holding onto her neck and pulling her in for a kiss, his lips soft, tender and gentle against hers, as he kisses her, slowly.


The driver drops Layla off, and she looks out of the car window, to find a huge manor standing before her, grand and bright, with decorative lights hung up practically everywhere.

There's witches and wizards entering the ball as if it's nothing. Usually, balls like this that are hosted by people from the evil side of the Order, are more secretive and hidden.

This time, the ball was in plain sight, which confused Layla slightly. She ignored the thought and got out of the car, thanking the driver before heading off into the building, lifting her white dress up slightly so she doesn't trip up.

All of a sudden her nerves are gone, as she takes a deep breath, thinking about what Mattheo had said to her.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

As soon as she enters, she looks around at the tables filled with platters and platters of food, a whole orchestra playing classical music and the hundreds of chandeliers hung up on the ceiling of the ballroom.

It was all so majestic. So eye catching. So attention seeking.

Way too out in the open.

Concentrate Layla. Stop overthinking.

Layla presses her temple and shakes her head, before walking around, looking for Henry.

Suddenly, she feels a pair of hands on her waist.

"Hello sweetheart."

Layla whips herself around to find Henry staring right back at her, his grin very much malicious, as he scans her body up and down.

"Just on time." He chuckles.

"For... what?" Layla laughs awkwardly.

"For a dance." He says, holding out a hand to which she takes, before she curtsies and they begin their dance, Layla's heart pounding once more.

The nerves return.

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