49 | comforting

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Author's POV

After the mission, the group spent the rest of their evening comforting Layla, and trying to take her mind off of things. Well, Theodore and Dylan comforted her. Mattheo just wandered around. He wasn't the... comforting sort of person.

"I literally told myself before the mission... I told myself that I'd slit their throats when it came down to it." Layla scoffs. "But I don't know what happened to me- I just froze. I didn't know what to do."

"It's not your fault Layla." Dylan says as the three of them sit together on the sofa, munching on popcorn. "That boy has been messing with your mind for years. Manipulating you. You never really loved him."

"Exactly. We haven't even known Ryle for long, but it was blatantly obvious." Theodore tells her. "And we understand why you'd freeze on the spot. It was an intimidating moment."

"I guess so..."

"But let's be real. Layla, he was actually scared of you. You're so powerful, more powerful than he could ever be. That's why he felt the need to harm you. Because he knew that you could end him within seconds." Dylan says and Theodore nods in agreement.

"You think so?" Layla asks.

"We know so angel. But you don't need to worry about any of them anymore. They're gone."

"How did you guys do it... the Stokes... was it hard?"

"Not really." Dylan shrugs. "I mean they didn't know who we were so they were easy to trick. We took down their guards first and then finishing them off wasn't too difficult."

"I see." Layla takes a deep breath.

"Anyway, we should go and finish watching the Hunger Games." Theodore suggests and me and Dylan nod in agreement.

"Yes! You guys need to watch the rest of the movies." Layla tells them excitedly as they begin to get up to leave the training hall, but Mattheo stops them.

"We have to go back to Hogwarts." He tells them, after throwing his last knife at the target.

"Can we not stay overnight?" Theo asks.

"No. It would be best if we went now. So they don't know we've left the school. We could just say we were skipping classes." Mattheo explains and with a sigh they all agree.


On their way back to the castle, they make their way through the dark hallways, the moonlight being their only light source that shines upon them. The castle is silent, assuming everyone is already asleep.

The group still uses their invisibility gadgets just in case they get caught by Filch or a professor. But as they're heading back to the common room, Mattheo walks beside Layla, wanting to say something... but not knowing what to say at the same time.

"You okay Martinez?" She asks with a smile.

"God, I hate that surname." He sighs. "I didn't even choose it. Enzo chose it for fucks sake."

Layla laughs, knowing what Enzo must've been like trying to choose a fake surname for Mattheo.

"You okay though?"

"Why wouldn't I be princess?"

"I hate it when you call me princess you know." Layla pulls a face.

"I know you love it. I'll just remind you that I can read minds or whatever." He smirks and she sighs.

"Oh yeah. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten."

"I think I'm going to let the guys and you rest now. No more missions for a couple of days. I might even give training a rest." He says, and Theodore and Dylan's heads whip right around.

"No training!? This is new." Dylan says, the both of them with huge smiles on their faces.

"Yeah, we've never had a day break. Ever." Theodore says.

"Well only for a couple of days." Mattheo rolls his eyes.

"But... what about Spector? He's still out there." Layla says, looking up at Mattheo.

"I know. But we haven't got much on him yet to proceed with another mission. Plus, I don't think he knows who we are. There's literally no one to tell him who we are... now that the Stokes are dead." Mattheo explains. "Although be might have recognised Layla. Maybe."

"He might have done." Layla says, as the group finally reaches the common room. "Although I don't think he's seen me in years."

"But who else has the same powers that you do?" Theodore asks.

"No one has ever found out about my powers Theo. You guys are the only ones who know. And obviously the Stokes and my parents knew... but they made a vow never to tell anyone." Layla explains.

"So even Spector doesn't know?"

"Most likely not." I say, taking a deep breath.

"Also everything that happened at the gala event happened very fast, let's be honest. So I don't think he had time to see your face." Theodore points out.

"Let's hope not." Mattheo says, clenching his jaw.

Fuck. That's hot. Ugh, now is not the time Layla.

As they enter the common room, they find the rest of the boys waiting for them on the sofas. They turn off their invisibility gadgets and the boys jump at their sudden appearance.

"God, you just showed up out of no where!" Blaise exclaims.

"You guys took bloody forever." Enzo says, rushing up to us and giving Layla a big hug, and then Theodore a big hug.

"Wow. Your buddy really missed you." Layla laughs, adoring the sight of the two best friends.

"The first bloody mission we haven't been to together." Enzo rolls his eyes.

"Liam, how are you feeling?" Layla asks him, heading over to the sofa he's sat at.

"The pain has gone." Liam says with a sigh. "But... it is still there." He says, lifting up his shirt to show us.

"It's dark magic running through your veins Liam." Layla tells him. "We know now for sure."

"H-how can we get rid of it?" He asks them worriedly, and they all look at him with pity.

"I think... I think I can have a try." Layla tells him, and Mattheo clenches his jaw. "I know what you're going to say Mattheo... but I know it's true now."

"What's true?" Blaise asks curiously.

"Me and Henry Spector share the same powers."

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