58 | his evil intention

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Taking a moment to compose herself, Layla stands outside the Gryffindor common room, taking a deep breath.

"God I can't do this." She mutters to herself.

"Yes, you can angel."

"Theo?" She turns around, to find Theodore approaching her from behind. "Thank god you're here."

"Oh my god you're hair! Of course you can pull off both blonde and brunette at the same time." He gasp.

"Thank you Theo." She smiles, but her mind is clouded with other thoughts.

"You nervous?" He asks.

"Very." She laughs at herself, her hands shaking slightly.

"Listen Layla... I don't know what happened between you and Mattheo but both have you have gone mental. And I don't even know if it's part of the act or not..."

"It's definitely not part of the script." She laughs.

"Okay well, don't worry. Spector doesn't know I was there at the gala event. So you can stick with me."

"No Theo, I can't. As much as I hate it, im going to have to stay away from all of you for a while. He knows you guys are friends with Riddle, it's only time until he realises that you guys are the same guys from the night we attempted to ambush him. Okay?"

"God, I hate this Layla."

"I hate this too Theo."

"I hate the idea of us not being able to talk to each other no more." He sighs, holding onto both of her hands.

"I won't be there as often, but when I have the chance... I will be back at base. I just need to get the information I need out of Spector." She whispers quietly, paranoid that someone will overhear.

"Fine." He sighs. "Ladies first." He says, making way for me to enter the common room.

She heads into the party, only to find the common room filled with probably the whole school, apart from first and second years of course. The loud music plays, and lights flash as people dance in celebration of the arrival of Henry Peters.

Little do the fucking know.

Layla looks around, trying to find Spector and she finds him sitting down on the sofas near the fire pit. Not really wanting to, Layla heads over, and puts on her confidence face.

"Hey Hermione, Ron, Harry." Layla says, smiling but they just give her a glance and completely blank her out, confusing her.

Without him having to ask, Layla takes a seat beside Henry, and he wraps an arm around her, and Layla notices the golden trio looking confused and shocked.

"Um Henry, we just wanted to say how nice it is for you to join our school! It's great to finally meet one of the biggest investors of the Order." Hermione says, grinning at him.

"The pleasure is all mine." He laughs.

"But Henry... if we're being honest with you." Harry sighs. "We did hear a rumour."

"A rumour?" He asks.

"That you got attacked? The other night? By a group of boys and a girl?" Harry asks and Layla's face drops in an instant, her heart pounding like crazy.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about that." Henry laughs. "Just a group of pathetic witches and wizards.

Holy fucking shit. Harry, Hermione and Ron know. And I lied to Spector and told him I never knew who the other boys were who were with us! And now... clearly the golden trio suspect something of me, by the way that they're glaring at me. So what if they tell Spector about their suspicions!? God, I don't know what to do!

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