34 | conjure and attack

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"Um Layla..." Liam says, pulling her to a side for a second.

"Yes Liam?" She asks confused, looking down at a circular device he holds in his hands.

"I made these devices, for invisibility, so that when the button is pressed the holder becomes invisible. I haven't gotten to the magic bit yet but do you think it'd be possible if you could somehow... spell the device so it does so?"

"Oh. Cool idea Liam. To be honest I think I could. It would be easier then using my magic on six boys." She laughs. "Does everyone get a device or is this the only one?"

"Nope, here's the rest." He says, as he pulls out six more devices out of his satchel. "Ones for Riddle, but he's already at the base."

Layla takes the seven devices and arranges them in a line on the floor, all of the boys watching intrigued as she does so.

She takes a step back and looks down at them, before holding her hands out and closing her eyes. There's a sudden flash of light and the boys flinch, but once she's done with the spell in a couple of seconds, they each pick up a device.

"They should all be working now. Try them out." She tells them, and they each hesitantly press the button, becoming invisible almost instantly.

"We can all still see each other. Did it not work?" Enzo asks.

"No it did work. You guys will be able to see each other, because the devices are connected. But anyone without the device won't be able to see you." Liam explains to them.

"And of course Layla can see us too because she's the one who created it." Blaise says.

"Hey! I created it she just did the magic bit." Liam corrects him.

"Aha yes of course. Credit to both of us." Layla laughs.

"Okay we better go now. Riddle's getting impatient." Theodore says, looking down at his dark mark which begins to move.

"I'm so glad I don't have one of those." Layla scoffs, before they head out of the castle, on their way to the Forbidden Forest.

It's quiet outside, and all the group can hear is the sound of the wet grass crunching beneath their feet.

Theodore walks along side Layla, trying to buck up the courage to say something.


"Yes Nott?" She asks, looking at him with a smile which only makes him more nervous, eventhough Layla thinks she's being comforting.

"About the Amortentia-"

"Strawberries and vanilla are a lot of girls scents." Layla shrugs and Theo sighs.

"I know I know... but this was a very specific scent. I knew who it belonged to the second I smelt it Layla." He explains. "Obviously I think you're a good looking girl... and I know I've only just met you..."

"Listen Theo. The Amortentia is just a silly potion. It doesn't mean anything unless I hear the words from you myself. The whole- I don't know... thing that happened at potions class didn't really bother me. Don't you worry." She laughs.

"Are you sure?"

"A thousand percent." She smiles as they enter the forest. "God I hate this place."

The group finally make it to base, and Layla takes her baggy top off that she wore over her gym clothes as it was pretty warm inside.


"Oh shut it Enzo." Draco rolls his eyes, making Layla laugh.

They finally enter the main hall, to their surprise, they find Mattheo already aggressively throwing knives at the targets. Bullseye, of course.

Mattheo takes no notice of the group entering the hall, so the boys just get to it, and begin training.

Liam takes in all of their invisibility devices so he can 'fine tune' them and the rest of the boys get back to doing what they usually do.

Layla stands there, the silence and tension in the room being too much for her as she watches Riddle continue to throw his knives.

She grabs her things and heads out of the main hall, walking through the empty hallways to find her training room. She finds it with ease... almost as if...

It was finding her. Somehow, she felt connected to the room, but she liked that. It was her own private space. The only place she can be herself and express her true power.

Layla stands in the middle of the room, and conjures up a dummy with a target on it so she can practice throwing spells at it.

She stands back and throws some fireballs at it, but she conjured it so that it doesn't die and burn within a second. So it's basically strong enough to take in her power.

Suddenly, she takes notice of someone entering the room. That someone being the reason she wanted to be alone.

She looks away and continues conjuring up fireballs, her fists closed tight, as her anger builds up the closer he gets.

He slowly approaches her, standing directly behind her, his hands trailing down to her waist.

Layla's breath hitches, as she tries her best to ignore his presence, and his soft veiny hands that lay on her skin.

He leans down, his grip on her waist tight as he whispers lowly into her ear, "Your stance isn't correct. That's why it's harder for you to conjure and attack."

The sound of his voice and soft breaths are driving Layla insane... especially when he moves her hips slightly to the right, closer towards him as he repositions her stance.

Their bodies have lost all space between them, and all that can be felt and heard, is the prominent tension between the two of them, and the small breaths coming out of Layla as she slowly loses all control over herself.

Why the fuck do I let him do this to me!?

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