Chapter 54

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"Is it just packing a set of clothes?"  


"Do you need anything else from your apartment?"

Nora blinked. Her brain taking an extra minute to process the question.

They stood beside each other, in the elevator, slowly ascending to the fourth floor of her apartment building. 

Nora was replaying Namjoon's earlier question in her head, and had forgotten the actual reason why she was going back to the apartment.

To the others, she had mentioned picking up extra pair of clothes from her room, but the real purpose of this visit, was to contact her handler.

Now though, with Namjoon shadowing her every move, the myth had no clue how to overcome this hurdle. 


"Uh...yeah...uh just clothes."

"Okay." Namjoon said, but his face was turned away, focused on the elevator door.

Before Nora could say anything else, the elevator came to an abrupt halt, the doors sliding open with a loud 'ding'.

Namjoon walked out, and held out a hand for Nora.

The myth looked down at his hand, the bony-long fingers and short nails, and then met Namjoon's eyes. "Uh?"

"You're injured, Nora-ssi. So-" He dropped his gaze, staring at his outstretched hand, just as Nora had done earlier.

"Oh...I'm fine, Namjoon-ssi. I can walk-"

"I know." Namjoon's hand curled into a fist, before dropping to his side, and he took a step back.

"It's just that...I still don't know the extent of your injuries." He said in a small voice.

Nora stopped herself from sighing, and stepped out of the elevator. Namjoon's constant worry and guilt for her well-being, this was her second reason for the visit.

She needed to change this current Namjoon's state-of-mind. 

"I'm fine." Nora repeated, and walked past him, to the first door on her right.

She pulled out the keys from her back pocket, and opened her apartment door, pushing it all the way back, letting it hit the wall behind. "Come in." She said over her shoulder and stepped inside.

Nora turned around, when she couldn't feel Namjoon's presence beside her.


The guy was still standing outside, swaying on the balls of his feet, face blank and eyes hooded. 

"Namjoon-ssi? You can come inside." Nora said, making sure she raised her voice enough to get Namjoon's attention, but not enough for her neighbors to complain.

The old couple living next-door, had threatened to report Sumi and her, to the management staff, last time. 

They were spooked by the loud banging and clattering sounds heard on Nora's side. The myth had no way of explaining, the reason behind those strange sounds, or that they were practicing spells. And so, she had begged them for a second chance, and promised to be on her best behavior.

Afterwards, she and Sumi got caught up in the Furie attack, and were busy protecting the boys, and hadn't been back since then.

"This is-" Namjoon stopped a couple feet from her. 

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