Chapter 16

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"Don't worry so much. Everything will work out."

"Huh?" Nora was staring out, watching the passing cars, her mind miles away.

She lifted her head, looking up to see Taehyung giving her a small smile. "I-I'm not worried."

Namjoon, sitting in front of her, let out an uncharacteristic snort and shook his head. "Yeah, sure."

Nora wanted to argue, maybe reassure herself as well as the boys that she wasn't worried, but the fact was...she was panicking on the inside.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Nothing had gone as planned.

She was supposed to save the boys and go back to being Mr. Worth after her fight. Instead, she had gotten severely injured and Namjoon and Taehyung had witnessed the attack from the Furie and seen her get wounded. Namjoon had discovered her secret, had watched her change into Mr. Worth once again, in the hopes of tricking Mr. Lee into letting them leave early.

And now, Taehyung was driving them back home.

Her job was to protect the boys. She was their designated guardian, and yet, here they were, protecting and taking care of her.

Nora stared at the back of Taehyung's head and couldn't help but feel a bit pathetic on the inside.

It should have been her in that seat, driving the boys back to safety, and away from the curious eyes of reporters and those weirdos who wanted to get close to BTS and find out what they smelled like.

Now though, it took everything in her power to settle down and relax, and not jump out of the SUV while Taehyung was driving. Nora didn't know how they were going to escape from the watchful eyes of the management and the staff. Someone, somewhere, was bound to see them.

Then...what? What will happen when they get discovered?

From the moment she had that fight with the Furie, to the time it took for Namjoon and her to get to the car, everything had been the opposite of her training, her teachings, and Nora couldn't help but feel frustrated.

She had taken on the duty of a guardian for a reason. She needed to give back to the humans, pay the debt of kindness she had received.

Even Sumi was in the dark about the actual story, of how a myth like Nora had taken up guardian duties. She only knew bits and pieces of the attack and that someone had saved her. Nora hadn't told her it was a human.

Back then, Nora had struggled to remember the face, her memory foggy around the edges. But she couldn't sketch up a decent face, and had given up. Later, becoming an acting guardian for the humans was the task she took on, to ease the guilt in her heart.

She had no clue what had happened to that human. Nora never got a chance to find out.

But at least in this way, she was giving back to mankind...right?

Now, if only she could heal quickly and get back to her job, everything would be alright.



A hand covered her knee, and Nora looked down at it and then at the owner.

"Calm down." Namjoon said, his voice soft and gentle. "Stop bouncing your leg like that."

"Sorry." Nora mumbled and avoided looking into those all-too-knowing eyes.

They might have spent a brief couple minutes together, but it felt like Namjoon knew what was going on in her mind, knew her tactics and coping mechanism, better then her and Nora didn't like it one bit.

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