Chapter 50

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"How can you be so sure?"   

"How do you know Jimin won't spill the details to his leader or the other members?"

Nora sighed. 

Her friend wasn't going to let go of the topic, not until she got a proper answer from Nora. 

If she was being honest, putting herself in Sumi's shoes, maybe Nora would have done the same. Their past, their secrets, their display of weapons and their true forms, were never built for humans eyes.

In case of emergencies, in those few rare moments, myths were allowed to use their true forms to save their intended individual. But even those situations had to fit the one-of-a-kind requirements and rules written for guardians like herself.

Nora wasn't a great follower of those rules, even before she was assigned to protect the boys.

Still, when it came to BTS, and guarding their lives, Nora had thrown caution out of the window, ever since she got a hint of the death threats and possible non-human involvement in the case.

And now, she had yet again, spilled details about a sword that could end her life, and Sumi's as well.

If Jimin were part of the enemy crew, with access to this kind of information, both the myths would already be dead by now.

But he wasn't of the opposing side, and it was impossible for Nora to think of him in that sense. 

Jimin and the word 'bad' had no relation to each other. The kid, with his generous heart and kind soul, would rather jump off the bridge then think of harming someone. His own makeup artist had quit, because Jimin was the 'nicest', and she couldn't risk falling in love with him on the job.

It might seem like an exaggeration to outsiders. Such an angelic person, was hard to come by in real life. But the staff, and Nora, herself, could vouch for it. 

During her first few days, after joining the security team, Nora had almost believed that there was a celestial connection in the mix, and that maybe Jimin had angel blood in his veins.

How could someone be this perfect? She had wondered. 

When she saw the way he treated everyone, saw the smiles and cute gestures Jimin threw around like it was nothing, her heart fluttered every time they made eye contact for more then a second, and Nora knew she was in danger of catching the love bug. 

It was hard, but she was careful to maintain some distance with Jimin, and only got close to him when her feelings had calmed down.

Jimin was a special one - the members would agree with her as well.

No one, till this date had been able to resist Jimin's charms. No-

Nora realized there was one person, who hadn't interacted as closely with Jimin yet. She could feel Sumi getting restless on her side, waiting for an answer.

"Jimin didn't do anything." Nora said at last.

"Then how-"

"It's just that-"

Nora tried to put her thoughts into words.

There was no one way to describe Jimin correctly. So, Nora started with pointing out the obvious.

"You saw how he reacted...didn't you? He lied to Namjoon, because of us, because of my secret."

 Sumi was there to witness Jimin's quick recovery, and how added in the white lie, when Namjoon questioned him. 

He didn't have an ounce of guilt on his face while doing so, whereas the leader's face had crumpled as soon as Nora mentioned about needing privacy to change her dressing.

"I think I made the right choice." Nora said, while glancing to her side, at Sumi, trying to gauge her reaction. "I want to believe in Jimin."

Sumi didn't look happy about her choice, but didn't say anything. She was still lost in her thoughts.

"Namjoon has a lot of guilt in his heart right now." Nora added. "He blames himself for my injuries, even though these wounds were inflicted by the Furie and have nothing to do with him."

"He feels helpless, every time he sees me and our situation. The matter is out of his hands, and he knows this, but he stills find time to connect the attacks to himself, and that somehow, it was all his responsibility. I see it on his face."

"Yes." Sumi gave a slow nod. "I noticed."

"The way he looks at you, as if you're his charge and he has failed you." She let out a low chuckle. "It's a bit unsettling."

"Right?" Nora shook her head. "He looks like that, when our actual roles are reversed." 

Nora stared at her fingers, at the small cuts lining her palms and whispered, "I don't know how to get rid of the guilt in his heart."

The weight of it, the need to constantly beat himself up over Nora's current state, that guilt was eating him up on the inside, and it was also driving Nora insane. She didn't know how to reach out a hand, and help the leader from falling into the darkness.

"Nothing." Sumi patted her on the shoulder, and went to sit at the end of the bed, so that she was facing Nora.

"You do nothing." She said. "It's up to Namjoon to change his mind, to change his heart."

"I know. But-" Nora was glad to have this particular worry voiced before Sumi, and get it off her chest. But she still wished there was something she could do about Namjoon. 

"I suspect that no matter how much you try to convince him, things will remain the same. He would still find fault in his actions, and somehow relate them to you, Nora."

Hearing her friend say those words, it made Nora stiffen beneath the comforter. 

She took a good look at Sumi, at her face, and at her indifferent expression. 

The thought had crossed her mind, but she was still holding on to a silver of hope, of maybe changing the leader's mind somehow.

Now though, with Sumi voicing those same concerns, she knew there was no second chance.

She would have to rely on Jimin to keep her secret. Because, if she were to involve Namjoon in her truth-

"If I tell him about the would break him-"


"Su-" Nora opened her mouth to speak, but just then, a loud banging on the door interrupted her.

"What the hell?" Sumi stood up, cursing under her breath. "Which one of the boys wakes up at this hour?"

"What? Why are you staring at me?"

"Aren't you supposed to be aware of their schedule or something?"

"Yes, but they don't have any activities until after noon."


"Oh yes-"

"I have no idea who that is-" Nora said, pointing to the door, and the persistent banging. "But they really want to talk to me, I think."

"They sure do-" Sumi let out a groan, and ran to the door, throwing it open and causing the person on the other side to stumble into the room.





[Sorry for the short chapter T_T it's been a busy month. I'll try and update more soon!]

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