Chapter 53

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"Nora? Can you hear me?" 

"Hey? Wake up!"

"Nora-ssi? Are you alright?"

"Please open your eyes."

"C'mon Nora!"

"Sumi-ssi? W-What are you doing?!"

"This is faster then just patting on her cheek-"

"No wait! Sumi-ssi!"


Someone was shouting in her ears. What was going on?

Wasn't she with Sumi a few minutes ago? They were supposed to teleport to the parking lot. Did something happen? Why couldn't she open her eyes.

Nora couldn't open her eyes. Something was weighing down on her body. No...not something, someone-

Someone was leaning on her and another person was yelling in her ears.

"Wait! I think it worked! She's waking up?"

"What? Really?"

"Nora-ssi? Nora-ssi can you hear me?"

It was Namjoon's voice, coming from her right side. So they had reached the parking lot, and then-

"Nora can you hear us?" Sumi's voice filled her head, next. "Sorry. I didn't think you would faint like this."


She fainted? Well that explained why she couldn't open her eyes or move her body just yet. And her left cheek was on fire. Someone had...slapped her?

It could only be Sumi. Namjoon wouldn't dare to hurt her like this. 

Irritation at the other myth, and the need to slap her back, forced Nora to struggle until she could finally pry open her eyes, even if only a tiny bit. "S-Sumi? D-Did you just slap me?"

"Yeah I did. So what?"

"You-" Nora couldn't see her friend.

Her field of vision was blocked by Namjoon, his face inches from hers. His pinched brows, eyes the color of hazel brown, staring down at her with concern, and his lips so close to hers, that Nora could feel light puffs of air against her skin, as he spoke. 


She almost stopped breathing, and lost consciousness again.


"Nora-ssi can you hear me?" His hand was hovering over her cheek, but not touching. If she hadn't woke up just then, Namjoon would have caressed her face. 

"Are you alright?"

'Keep that handsome face away from me and I'll be alright', is what Nora wanted to say, instead she settled for a soft 'Yes'. 

"That's great!" 

And again, Nora got the breath knocked out of her lungs, as she watched a series of emotions pass over the leader's face, and his lips stretch into a wide smile. 

Namjoon's dimples made an appearance, digging holes into his cheeks, and his eyes turned into adorable crescent moons. 

Yes, she had seen those dimples, multiple times. Yes, she had seen Namjoon smiling at his fans, and giving them finger hearts during their stadium concerts. Nora had been a part of it all, at a safe distance.

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