Chapter 2

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She was so screwed!

"Mr. Worth?"

"Hello, Mr. Jeon. I wasn't aware you would be coming in here. Mr. Lee-"

"Oh that's fine." Jungkook waved a hand, dismissing her words. "I didn't inform anyone about this visit. I don't think Mr. Lee knows about it either."


"Uh Mr. Worth? Are you still in middle of inspecting? Is that why you have your hand stretched out like that?"

Nora turned back to her hand, still spread out in front of her, and groaned on the inside. In her haste to call back her power, she had forgotten the odd posture her body had taken on. It was a good thing Jungkook had arrived after she had pulled back the reins on her powers.

It would have complicated the situation, if Jungkook had witness Nora at work. She might have had to use some memory alteration techniques to avoid more questions, and she didn't want to do it.

It wasn't because manipulation of human memory was hard, but that, Jungkook was innocent and didn't deserve to go through the pain of memory loss. He might not remember, but the human body was another thing. Muscle memory, and the lingering ache in the body always were tell-tale signs that something had gone wrong.

Jungkook would keep wondering what had happened, even if he never found an answer.

It was this - that Nora wanted to avoid.

"Oh Yes, I was about to search under the seats." she said hastily, and bend down, pretending to search for threats that weren't there.

"Thank you." it was a soft whisper, and Nora wondered if it was meant for her to hear.

"Thank you for always making sure of our safety. I-I really appreciate it. Me and the others appreciate your hard work." Jungkook said it out loud, this time, and Nora looked up at him.

She gave him a small smile, and bowed. "It's my pleasure, Mr. Jeon. I consider myself lucky, for having got the opportunity to work with such amazing people, work with you and the BTS team."

There was a tinge of pink on Jungkook's cheeks, which made him look younger, just like a cute bunny - the nickname his fandom had coined.

"I'll be going now." he said. "I'll you see you backstage, before the show, Mr. Worth."

"Yes, Mr. Jeon."

Nora made sure, Jungkook had left the area, before going back to the inspection.

There wasn't much to do, now that she was sure, no physical threats were hidden within the stadium lower deck, upper or middle deck area. It was safe as far as she could see.

She made her way back to the entrance of the stadium, and walked to where she knew Mr. Lee's room was located. But before she could enter, she heard voices from within.

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Yes, I'll figure something out."

Nora recognized Namjoon's voice. The leader of BTS was inside with Mr. Lee, and she wondered what had happened.

"Alright. I trust you to work it out." Mr. Lee said. "Now go, before your members start wondering where you disappeared to."

"Yes." Namjoon said, and Nora stepped back, just as the leader exited the room.

"Oh-" Namjoon blinked, his eyes focusing on Nora. "Hello, Mr. Worth."

"Hello, Namjoon." Nora bowed, and watched Namjoon leave the room.

Mr. Lee noticed her standing by the door. "Ah Mr. Worth, are you done with the inspection?"

"Yes." Nora said, and watched Mr. Lee. He seemed a bit tense.

"Mr. Lee, if you don't mind me asking, what were you and Namjoon talking about?"

It wasn't her business, if it was something personal, but if it hindered with their safety then Nora needed to know and work on avoiding harm to members in future.

"Yes," Mr. Lee stares down at the paper in his hand, before handing it to Nora. "Namjoon discovered a threat letter again, and hid it, before Jimin could find out."

"Oh-" Nora frowned. This was getting a bit out of hand. How was did the stalker have access to the backstage? Was this some staff member? Were they responsible for it? Or someone else?

"I told him to keep quiet about it, and go back to their practice. He doesn't need to worry about it. I'll take care of it."

Nora brought the paper to her nose, and took a sniff. The cut out letters held no scent of course, and the paper was an ordinary stationery quality. But that wasn't what caught her attention. It was the hint of blood and whiff of charcoal that entered her nose, when she smelled it.

Someone like Mr. Lee, a human, could never had separated out the scents, but Nora could, and she knew what this meant.

It was a simple death threat anymore.

"Mr. Worth?"

"Yes?" Nora snapped out of her thoughts.

"Is there something to worry about? Do we need to take any precautionary measures, other then the ones we already have in place?" Mr. Lee asked. He must have seen her frown.

At times like this, when the past mingles with her present, Nora had found it hard to hide her thoughts. And this was the case, now.

She would have never thought in her six month career, with BTS, that the boys would be targeted by myths, and not just any random ones. No, these were calculative, manipulative and dangerous for humans.

Even humans, as blessed as BTS, and with a guardian like Nora backing them.

She had to prepare for the inevitable. There was no time for mistakes.

"We don't need to alert anybody, but I do require a slight change in the plans."

"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Lee, is it possible for you to have me stationed by the stage, near the entrance? Where if something happens, I have easy access to the boys and can guarantee their safety?"

Mr. Lee raised a brow at her, and her odd request, and Nora couldn't blame him. She had never been granted access to the stage before a BTS concert, and now she was asking for it.

"Well, if it means our boys have the protection they need, then I don't see any problem in it."

Nora's smile widened. "Great."

She couldn't wait for this concert to start. It was going to be fun.


Nora & the Boys | BTS AU | OT7Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum