Chapter 31:

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Just when I thought things were going right for the both of us...

We were finishing up with our meal, it was actually pretty decent. Not that I'd choose to have it again but it was pretty good. We'd even had our dessert that I only finished half of, which I was not okay with as it's a dessert. If I have to explain that you even know me?

"Would you like to go straight back to the hotel and enjoy this night even more?" Scarlett runs her finger up my chest and to my jaw. She's using her sensual voice, I mean any way that she speaks has my underwear in the river Nile.

"Whatever you want baby, it's your night." I tilt my head slightly to the side, trying to push her imagination to its limit. It's satisfying to see her flustered like that.

"You have no idea the things I want to do to you." She kisses the tip of my nose and takes my hand. We both then grab our bags and scurry to the front of the boat where we look at the scenery before the boat reaches its destination.

The beauty of this country is unbeatable, well I've never really been anywhere besides North America. Me and Alex wanted to go to Britain when we had the chance...anyways...

"I don't know if the white picket fence is right." I stare at the spectacle that is the Eiffel Tower, twinkling in the short distance.

"What do you mean?" Scarlett questions a little unsure as to whether I am rethinking things or not.

"There are many different places that I'd love to settle down in, all with different architectural designs and looks that I'd be more than happy with calling mine...this will sound cheesy but as long as you're there then that white picket fence is the fantasy of another looking for the love that I have for you...if that makes sense?" I look to her, the lights reflecting in her eyes, and the breeze blowing her hair back ever so slightly. She's confused. "What I'm trying to say is...I don't need any big gifts, or the world, or the big picture and more when I'm with you, when I'm with you all those pieces fuse together and I see the picture of you, only you."

My Love's eyes begin to water and a few tears drop down her reddened cheeks, before she cups my cheek and plants a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose and then my lips. "How did I ever deserve a gift like you in my life." She mumbles under her breath, only it wasn't a question. It was merely a statement that she threw out into the air and shut down before it could be processed. "I'll still be giving you your Daffodil garden Brownie, nothing is stopping that." She gives a small smirk before taking my hand.

I nod my head and we slowly head off the boat, a driver waiting for us. As I step into the back Scarlett's phone rings, she ushers me in and takes a few steps away to answer and I'm left for a few moments, with my thoughts. I didn't think much of the caller but only of the events of the last two hours, what it means for our relationship, and how it's allowed us both to grow more as people and as a couple. Feelings need to be shared in the right moments and that was definitely a right moment.

Scarlett, after a few minutes, slips into the back and closes the door. Not saying a single word.

"Now, who was sabotaging date night?" I nudge her lightly, however I received nothing back, not a single muscle twitch in her expression. All the colour in her face had faded, her eyes seemed dead. She looked dead. It was a horrifying sight. "Scar, are you okay? What's happened?" My tone now flooded with worry.

"It was my dad, my mother-my-" She freezes on her breath "she's in intensive care, and uh-my father found her in the kitchen-she's had a stroke Y/n." Her voice was in shock, her body was in shock. "He's said-he said that she doesn't have much time, maybe a few weeks if she pulls through right now and even then, she'll be on life support until she eventually passes. I'm not sad, I-" She turns her head to me, looks down at my lips and pulls me into a kiss. A desperate kiss. I leave it sit there for a moment until she begins pulling on my dress, I then pull away from her and shake my head.

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