When they pushed through the glass doors, and into the noisy diner, Evan met them at the door with a smile brighter than the sun, "Sebastian!" He exclaimed, his warm eyes softening with fondness.

"Hey, Evan." Sebastian returned his smile, "You alright?"

"Been a busy day, but...yeah, I'm alright." He shrugged, "You?"

"Yeah, good." Sebastian replied shortly, then turned to face his Father, "This is Evan. He's-" He stopped abruptly when he realised that Evan was his friend - the first friend Sebastian had allowed himself to have since Harvey. "He's my friend." He finished softly, and didn't miss the flicker or surprise that passed Evan's face. Sebastian cleared his throat, and gestured to his Father, "This is my Dad."

Evan extended his hand to Douglas, who quickly shook it, "It's nice to meet you." He said kindly, before dropping Douglas' hand immediately - Sebastian had worked out by now that Evan didn't like to be touched for too long, unless it was Declan who was touching him - and reached behind him to grab two menus. "D'you want me to tell Dec you're here?" He offered as he led them into a corner booth.

Sebastian hesitated, glancing around the diner in search of a head of wild ginger curls, which, to his disappointment, he failed to locate. "Don't worry." He told Evan, "He's probably busy."

"Probably, but..." Evan waved him off, "I'll go get him anyway."

Sebastian watched as Evan left, the tightness in his chest worsening. He slouched back in his seat, and picked up the menu in front of him, holding it up to shield his face. Even through the flimsy lamented paper, he could feel his Father's gaze boring into him.

"Well, he seemed nice." Douglas said.

Sebastian didn't lower the menu, "He is." He responded simply. He could have told his Father that Evan was dating Calvin, or that he lived with Declan, or that he was one of the only few people in the world who was allowed to see Sebastian's arms. But Sebastian didn't think his Father deserved any of that information, so instead, he remained silent.

When Declan appeared at their table just a few moments later, Sebastian's heart stuttered. He had messy hair, and flushed cheeks, and he was twisting the dragon ring around his finger incessantly - which he always did when he was nervous. He didn't greet Sebastian, but instead, held out his hand for Sebastian's Father, "Hi." He smiled, and to anyone else, it might have seemed genuine - Sebastian knew better. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Mr Steel."

Douglas shook his hand, and smiled back, "You, too." He replied, "Declan, was it?"

"Yes." Declan nodded, still wearing a strained smile, "Do you know what you'd like to drink? Coffee's on me."

"Dec, you don't have to do that." Sebastian told him.

Declan still refused to look in Sebastian's direction, and focused only on Douglas, "What will it be?"

"I'll have a black Americano."

"Okay." Declan chirped, jotting something down on his notepad. He glanced back up, and the second his eyes met Sebastian's, Sebastian knew that he was in trouble. "A flat white?" Declan asked shortly.

Sebastian nodded, "Thanks."

Declan tucked his notepad into his apron pocket, "I'll be back in a moment with your drinks."

Sebastian watched him walk away, then turned back to face his Father, "Give me a minute." He murmured, and without waiting for a reply, jumped out of his seat, and followed Declan.

By the time Sebastian reached Declan, he was behind the counter, unloading a tray of dirty crockery into the sink. Without looking up, he murmured, "I'm at work, Sebastian. Leave me alone."

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