"You're still scared of the lightning, huh?" 


Though he couldn't understand the cat, he knew what she meant and he started petting her soft fur and comforting her.

 Another lightning strike hit and the sound scared the little cat so much that she dug her claws straight into the blond's shirt. Katsuki had to clench his teeth to not make a sound and scare the cat since her claws were so sharp.

"You still get nightmares when it rains, don't you?" 


"Don't worry, Izuku, you're not gonna get nightmares anymore, not when I'm here." he hummed as he petted her little head. 

"I'll protect you, Izuku." 

Just hearing his soft and gentle voice made the cat poof right in front of him and he felt a lot of weight hit him, but once he opened his eyes, the cat turned back into Izuku and she hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you, Kacchan, I already feel a lot safer." she stated as she smiled and hugged him tighter. 

It'd been a while for him since the last time he had to comfort the greenette because of a heavy rainstorm, but since he's comforting her now, he knew this was what might've helped them get closer like they were in the past.

"Let's go back to sleep, so just hold me if you get scared." Katsuki said softly as he pulled the covers back over them and they lied back down. 

He looked at her in his arms and her shivering seemed to fade away and her expression wasn't filled with fear anymore. He continued to pet her hair to make sure that she was distracted from the noises outside and it seemed to work as she soon made the sound of small–but cute–snores. 

Katsuki tried to hold in his laughter from the little snores, but he felt his chest warm and fuzzy knowing that she felt safe in his arms.

Just as he was about to fall asleep though, the sound of the bedroom door opened and all he could hear was; 

"Papa? Mama?" 

Katsuki lifted his head off his pillow and looked up to see little Katsuma at the door and tears were forming in his eyes. 

"What's wrong, why're you crying?" Katsuki asked. 

"It's scary outside, and I had a really scary dream, papa." Katsuma whimpered as he rubbed his little eyes. 

'Didn't think he'd be scared of lightning too, but I've got no choice.' 

"C'mon, get up here." Katsuki sighed as he lifted up the covers and the little blond trotted up to the bed and climbed right in. 

He climbed in between his parents and cradled up next to Izuku's chest. 

'This doesn't feel right though.' Katsuki thought and then pulled the covers off of him and got up from the bed. 

"Papa, where are you going?" 

"Stay here with your mom, I'm gonna get your brother and sister." he answered and left the room to grab the twins.

As he gently and carefully carried the twins in his arms, he walked back up the stairs and went back to the bedroom to see that both Izuku and Katsuma were already fast asleep. He climbed back into the bed, rested Izuki onto his shoulder and Izumu onto his stomach and then pulled the covers back onto him. 

He took one last look at the situation and smiled as he knew this was a lot better than before. 

'Much better.' he thought as he eventually snoozed off to sleep for the night as well. No one woke up for the rest of the night.

A new day was upon them and the Sun peeked out from the moving clouds causing the greenette to wake up from the bright light.

'The storm's gone?' She thought as she looked out the window, but once she turned to look at the bed, she was surely wide awake now. 

The sight of her three kids sleeping on her husband and all of them still fast asleep was a sight she'd never thought she'd see. 

'When... When did the kids get here? Was it after I went back to sleep? This is... so cute!!! I should take a picture and send it to mom!' She thought as she immediately grabbed her phone and took several pictures in different angles to make sure this actually happened.

'Hmph, looks like we have a new photo to add to the scrapbook. Hm?' 

She happened to look back at her husband to see he was starting to wake up. 

"Why's it so damn bright?" he groaned as he rubbed his eyes awake. 

The second he opened his eyes, he was met with a pair of large Emerald Green eyes staring right at him. 

"Holy Shit! Don't do that!" he jumped. 

"Hehe- I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. Did you have a good sleep last night? I know they did." Izuku notioned as she looked at the twins that were still asleep on his chest. 

"Oh yeah, no wonder it felt like something was on my chest. Did you sleep okay?" he asked, not expecting to get a peck on the forehead right away.


"Hmph, of course I sleep okay, because my husband made sure to protect me from the nightmares!" Izuku said happily. 

Katsuki could only blush at her response that he couldn't take it anymore. 



His face turned very serious as he stared up at her as he said; 

"Hurry and get them off me so I can kiss you." 

Just hearing his serious voice made the greenette's heart dance in her chest that she couldn't handle it and jumped off the bed. 

"S-Sorry, I'm gonna make breakfast first!" she answered as she ran out of the room. 

"Why you- Don't just leave me here with them! Come back here and let me kiss you!"

It seems the happy family life that Izuku always wanted is starting to blossom and it's all thanks to the help of her distant family trying to get in the way. 

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

I was not lying when I said this chapter was gonna be cute and sweet, but the next chapter will hopefully be just as cute and sweet!

Gonna post 2 more chapters later today!

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