After far too long a walk I arrived at the shabby small bungalow.

I could laughing and music blarring from inside the flat. I swallowed my fears and with fake confidence, marched up to the door. I rung the doorbell, no response.

I banged on the door, nothing. Only after I rung doorbell about 5 times in a row, finally did it illicate a response.
"Some answer the fucking door!"
Someone yelled inside, a shadow appeared infront of the small frosted window in the door.

The door opened, letting out a truly foul smell, and the man on the other end laughed with his friends, until he saw me. His smile turned to a scowl. It was bens oldest roommate, Chris. The guy despised me. I crossed my arms and shifted a bit, uncomfortable.

"Oh for fucks sake- BEN THE LITTLE SHIT IS BACK"
I flinched at his volume but reasserted myself, fixing him a death glare. He fixed one right back.

We remained in a standstill until Ben finally elbowed his way into the doorway, pushing his roommate back.

"Oh my god Jamie-"
The roommate grabbed bens shoulder and spun him around. As if to have a private chat, but it wasn't very private considering I was literally watching 2 steps away.
"Send the little fucker away"
"No man-"
"What have we said about this runt coming in here. He just eats our food-"
"They just eat our food, and that's not true. You guys just eat all the food and forget. Jamies alright-"

"I don't care about your fucking pronoun princess. He's not coming in"
"Oh just fuck off chris, go back to your party. If you guys can bring over your friends I can bring over mine"

These 'friends' in the background started trying to get Chris back, interrupting the argument.
"Dude just leave him, we've got our own shit to do"
"Yeah chrissy get back in here"
That voice seemed convince him as he immediate walked back into the house.
"Call me that again, I'll knock your fucking teeth out"
They all laughed and Ben rolled his eyes turned, before turning to me. His expression switching to concern.

Ben was dressed more casually than he did around his friends, dark green sweatpants and a loose t shirt with his hair tied up out of his face.

"Christ Jamie, come in"
I awkwardly stepped in and followed behind and Ben walked through to the left, where his bedroom was.

"What're you doing here James, I know I said come over, but I figured later when those idiots were all too pissed to notice anything going on around them. Did something happen?"

I shrugged, looking down at my feet.
"James you gotta talk or we're just gonna be sitting in silence and I'll be forced to tickle you"
I laughed a little and pushed him.
"Shut up"

"If I'm shutting up you have to tell me why your here.. and whatever is on your jeans, seriously its foaming"
"It's washing up liquid"

"Ah, perfectly normal. You can borrow something from me"
We entered bens room, him shutting the door behind us. It was pretty empty, just a dresser and a small bed. But adorning the walls were loads of little trinkets, probably just blu tacked up. Bits and bobs that gave the room personality. There were a couple of restaurant food posters that Ben told me he took from their bins, some photos and other random stuff, even the side of his dresser was just covered in receipts.
'Each one reminds me of a good time I had out with my friends'
I could even spot one there from when ben bought me ice cream one day.

Ben pulled a pair of shorts out of his dresser and threw them to me.
"Get changed, then you're telling me everything"
He turned around and covered his eyes whilst I changed, leaving my gross jeans on the floor to be dealt with later.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now