26: What Can I Do?

Start from the beginning

Katsuki had never seen this entire process before so all he could was sit there in awe at everything. 

"You've seen Izuku's bare fake limbs, haven't you?" Emra asked. 

"Well yeah, but... I still can't get past the thought that she's had these for a long time now." Katsuki answered.

"Just like Izuku, I can't be around the rain and both of us go through a serious amount of pain if we don't prepare ourselves." Emra noted. 

"So why's that?" 

"Why's what?" 

"Why does Deku get that way even when the rain hasn't come yet?" Katsuki asked.

"I'm sure she's told you before, but fine, it's because the air tends to get cold and lock up our joints to the point that we can't work through it. Like how hot water is meant to relieve someone's body, cold water does the opposite and causes your joints to not want to move. Though I can handle large amounts of pain and I don't really have to take medicine to relieve the pain, Izuku cannot handle the pain and has to take it whether she likes it or not. It doesn't really help that the medicine instantly gives her a fever once she takes it, but this is the only medicine we've found that reduces the pain to zero for her. If the materials of the fake limbs weren't made of metal and of some other type of material, then maybe it would have a different reaction when the rain comes, but we haven't attempted that since we're both used to metal limbs anyway." Emra explained.

'That makes sense, Deku did have that reaction the last time it rained, which was a few days ago, so I guess there's nothing I can do about it.' Katsuki thought. 

"Okay, we're just about to reconnect everything!" Kendra announced. 

"Which means the painful part is coming, isn't it?" Emra asked. 

"Huh? The painful part?" 

"Since having fake limbs, it involves reconnecting all the nerves in order for the fake limbs to work. The painful part is that reconnecting the nerves is a huge wave of pain and shock to the body and can be quite uncomfortable. Which means you're going to help us in keeping Izuku down and not have her lash out when it happens." Emra answered. 

'Geez, when was there this much nerdy shit in one room?' Katsuki thought but he listened and placed his hands onto Izuku's stomach.

"Ready? And... hold!" 

The second Kendra reconnected all three limbs, Izuku screamed out in pain from the large wave of her nerves. Katsuki had never seen this before, it was honestly a terrifying sight and he didn't like seeing this side of the greenette. 

"How long will this last?" 

"Just a couple days, so it would be best to make sure she doesn't really do anything today, so force her to stay in bed." Emra said. 

"Got it." 

Katsuki didn't like seeing her like this and just wanted to grab her and hold her tightly in his arms to make the pain go away, so he felt completely useless right now. 

"It seems it might rain later today, so make sure she takes her medicine before the rain starts." Emra added, which Katsuki could only nod in response. 

"Hah- she'll be just fine, no need to make that kind of face. Kendra's gotta leave, but I'll stay here until you go pick up your kids and bring them back here."

Katsuki didn't know what else to say, so he just nodded and left the room. 

'Geez, he's reacting like he did years ago when Izuku had that second accident. She'll be just fine, he should be more focused on what my annoying family's about to try and pull next.' Emra thought. 

"Why does he remind me of how Takashi used to act around you when you were a hero?" Kendra asked. 

"You have no idea."

It was peaceful and quiet in the bedroom and Izuku felt like she couldn't keep her eyes closed any longer. She opened her eyes and looked around the room only to see nothing odd. 

"You're finally deciding to wake up." 

The greenette looked over at the door to see Emra entering the room. 

"Ah- Emra." 

She tried to sit up, but instantly felt a large wave of pain from the joints in her legs. 

"Careful, reconnecting limbs is painful, especially for you." Emra noted as she walked towards her with a glass of tea. 

"I got new limbs? Was Kendra here?" Izuku asked. 

"Yes, but she had to get back to her work, so I stayed to make sure you were feeling okay once you woke up. Here, I made you some Green tea, it's supposed to help ease the soreness away." Emra said, handing her the glass.

"Ah- thanks. Oh, what about Kacchan?" 

"He went to go pick up the kids from Aunt Inko's, so he'll be back any minute." Emra answered. 

"The kids went to my mom's place? When?" 

"Last night, I took them since I forced Katsuki to keep an eye on you. Takashi took care of all your wounds last night and then Kendra came here earlier to give you new limbs, so you should be feeling a lot better after a few days." Emra explained. 

"I see, but wait- what happened to Amber?" 

"That is something I don't know yet, but obviously it seems you and Katsuki fought him judging from how you were covered in wounds. My guess would be that Cole went to the facility and took Amber after your fight was over and took her back home, that is what I can only assume." Emra answered.

"She was a lot stronger than she looked." 

"Which is a bit of a surprise to me as well since I fought her once and easily beat her without even breaking a sweat." 

"Yeah, but Emra, you're a lot stronger than most people." Izuku added. 

"That's true." 

"It's just that all I could think of doing was getting rid of the light source, but even just doing that proved to be useless since she was just as strong without it." 

"Well consider this a learning lesson and to never have high expectations of every battle being easy. I already told Katsuki, so I'll tell you that you should be on high alert even more than before since we have no idea when the next attack could be." Emra stated. 

"Right. Oh- and Emra." 

"Hm? What is it?" 

"Hmph, Kacchan really is trying, I can see it, so though I know you're always gonna be worried that I'm doing everything on my own, I think me and Kacchan will be just fine." Izuku said with a warm smile on her face. 

"Ah- humph, just don't say I didn't warn you if something bad happens." 

"It looks like you still take everything so seriously, Emra." 

"Because I have to. And where is that husband of yours, he should've been back with the kids by now!"

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

Yeah, this may be another filler chapter, but the real cute stuff is gonna happen soon, promise!

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