Destroyed factory

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Will Pov

The Colonel entered the room and locked the door behind him.

''What else do you want? I said I would come here once, not more,'' I said in amazement.

''You will come here when I tell you to, to remind you if you've forgotten,'' he replied.

"It seems that you are helpless when it comes to sex with a man. In fact, I didn't even think you would be strong. Oh, how I fu*ked you up,'' he added and got angry.

"Look!" I shouted, hitting the table with my fist.

"I'm not your sex toy or anything," I added angrily.

''Oh, who has the courage to talk back huh? Impressive, yes you are,'' he replied moving towards me.

"Go away!" I shouted, slapping him.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" He shouted and wanted to hit me.

I put my hands on my head to protect myself from the blow, but I didn't feel anything. We both heard a shot.

"What the hell?" Colonel said and moved closer to the window.

When he saw the soldiers shooting, he quickly moved towards the door. I didn't know what was going on right now but I knew I couldn't let the Colonel cause trouble again so I took action. When he was about to close the door I kicked him in the stomach making him fall to the floor. He cried out in pain and looked at me angrily.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He shouted but I ignored him and started running wherever my legs took me.

I started up some stairs that led up to the factory but not to the top. I ran as fast as I could so that the Colonel wouldn't catch me. I even threw things behind me to make him trip, but unfortunately he didn't. When I got to the top I saw everything. I saw soldiers shooting after escaped apes. I saw that in the end Malcolm's plan worked and they were able to break free. I stopped the good news because I didn't want the Colonel to catch me. I ran on those metal tiles hoping to find a way down. A couple of soldiers noticed me, but they didn't shoot me, they just tried to stop me. I fell for a moment because the soldier put his foot on the floor. I got up quickly and punched him in the face. I threw him over the bars and killed him at the end because he fell about ten meters. Then a soldier came up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Shhh! It's me! Malcolm!'' He said and I calmed down.

"We have to find a way out because the Colonel is running after us!" I said and we started running.

The colonel started shooting at us, but luckily he didn't shoot us.

In the end we managed to find our way down. We started running to the exit trying to ignore the bullets. Malcolm shot about ten soldiers while I was with him. Then I saw Caesar running with a bomb?! He wanted to throw it at the soldiers and the gorilla, but he didn't succeed because a soldier almost shot him. He fell to the floor and the bomb flew out of his hand.

"CAESAR!" I shouted worriedly watching as the soldier wanted to kill him.

But he didn't, Malcolm killed him. Then it burst into some air tanks which started exploding. We threw ourselves on the floor trying not to inhale the suffocating gas. Malcolm went to help Caesar while I got up. I was just about to go to Caesar, but the Colonel kicked me in the back. I cried out in pain and looked at him. I lay between his legs as he pointed the rifle at me.

"NOW SUFFER!" He shouted and snapped at my leg.

I cried out in pain as Malcolm and Caesar came to me. The Colonel started to run away, probably because of the possible next explosion. Caesar took the rifle from Malcolm and shot the Colonel. He walked up to him and pointed the gun at his face.

"COME ON! KILL ME DAMN DIRTY APE!" Colonel shouted unemotionally at Caesar.

Caesar eventually shot him in the chest and headed towards us.

"C-caesar..." I whispered, holding onto my wounded leg.

"' now," he said, picking me up and pulling me closer to his chest.

Malcolm was covering him as he carried me. The next explosion was such that we threw ourselves into the snow far from the entrance to the factory.

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