Discovery of the factory

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Will Pov

We started at dawn to the city. It took us two hours to get there because we were fast. War is taken seriously, so we behave as such. We left our home hoping to change this world forever. In the city we found all the necessary rifles that we will need for the battle and police vests as well. Since winter was approaching in the city, we tried to find clothes. We put our clothes in a bag and put on military jeans because they were more comfortable and warm. For the upper part, we had a green T-shirt, a vest over it and a jacket. And of course the rifle over the jacket. The factory was not so far from the city.

We had to cross two hills to get to it, so we started. There were many falls during the ascent and descent, but we managed to endure. After crossing a hill, we stopped and rested. After our energy returned, we moved on to another hill. As we climbed I looked back at the city. I simply know that I talk a lot about how sorry I am for my hometown, but what can I do. It's not easy to say goodbye to that, especially since the city may have been destroyed because of you. Being stupid because I was looking at the city instead of where I was walking, I slipped and almost fell, but someone caught my hand. I looked up and saw Caesar holding my hand. It's not just him, but a couple of apes who were with me.

"Thank you," I said to Caesar and the other apes and they thanked me.

"Be...careful," he said and waited until I reached his level.

When we got near the top of the hill Malcolm wanted to peek but I pulled him down.

"Don't let them notice us," I said and he nodded.

Me, Malcolm and Caesar peeked out at the end. We saw something terrifying. The factory itself wasn't that scary, the scary part is what's in and around it. The factory was very tall and around it were cages with apes. I was very sorry to see them so desperate for freedom. Then I took out my sniper rifle and looked a little closer.

"Don't shoot," Malcolm said.

"I won't, just watch," I replied.

I wouldn't be so stupid as to start shooting and be exposed if we were on this mountain.

"Oh my god" I said and went down a little.

"What's there?" Alexander asked me and I looked at him.

''Something terrible. Apes in piles of iron cages and a couple of soldiers were there,'' I replied.

We found a part of the mountain where we can spend the night without being noticed. When we settled down we talked a little about what we had just seen. When night fell we lit the lamps and talked a little more. After talking, we fell asleep hoping not to be in a cage tomorrow.

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