It's all on me

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Will Pov

''Will, are you okay? What happened?'' Malcolm asked me, seeing that I was looking at the floor.

''Nothing happened, we were talking and suddenly h-he s-slapped me,'' I answered, holding my cheek.

''What?! Why would he slap you?'' He asked.

''Because I disobeyed his orders,'' I said.

"," Caesar said and we looked at him in astonishment.

" queen!" He shouted and started hitting the bars.

I panicked and moved as close as I could to the bars.

''Caesar! I'm fine, please s-stop,'' I said and he looked at me emotionally.

"We will break free, believe me. We'll save everyone,'' Malcolm said.

After a few minutes, the soldiers came from the factory and the Colonel along with them. They started doing some exercises while the Colonel looked at each of us, especially me. I could tell that Caesar noticed how he was looking at me and that he was not happy. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze but I tried to think of positive things. After the soldiers finished the exercise, they went to see some apes and Caesar. They opened the cage and took them to a place. It was not far from us so we could see them. Then they went to work. What? Well, they are not slaves to work even in the winter! We watched some soldiers beating apes with a whip. I became very emotional and gripped the bars tightly. My heart ached every time I saw my loved one forced to work. The worst thing is that I couldn't do anything. Tears started running down my cheeks.

Malcolm noticed I was crying but didn't say anything. He sat down as I did and looked sadly at them. I have never, ever seen such an evil person who would do this to animals. No wonder we are the worst species on the planet. I am ashamed of our species. But no, I'll fix it. I will stand up for the apes even though it might cost me my life. For now I was crying desperately. Then I felt someone next to me. I didn't open my eyes until he took my hand. I looked over and saw the Colonel crouching next to me outside the cage. I couldn't take my hand off his because I was holding the bars. He started caressing my hand with his as malcolm glared at him. Then he looked at the apes and so did I.

"You know, it's all on you. Their fate is in your hands. What are you going to do?'' He asked and I looked at the floor biting my lip.

I remained speechless for a few minutes and he sighed.

''What are you going to do Will?'' He asked a little angrily this time.

I was furious and angry, but I knew I needed to answer him as soon as possible.

"What do you want from him?" Malcolm asked and we looked at him.

The colonel came to his cage and looked at him cheekily.

''Tell me, do you want to work with apes? You seem lonely,'' he said and malcolm didn't know how to respond to that.

''Then don't mess in other people's business,'' he added.

"OKEY!" I shouted and the Colonel came to me.

"I'll come, j-just give them w-water and f-food," I added stuttering.

"Sure. Give them food and water!'' He ordered to his soldiers and then looked at me.

''You did the right thing Will,'' he said and left.

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