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Will Pov

After less than half an hour I told them everything. The apes went back to their mothers while Caesar and I sat next to each other.

''You.... love your job,'' he told me.

"Yes I really do. It's a pity that I can't work anymore,'' I answered and he looked at me sadly.

''Maybe.... one day,'' he said, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," I replied.

Then I took the notebook and the technical one out of my bag and put them on my lap.

''Remember this? When you were little you used to draw and scribble on paper,'' I told him, laughing.

''Those were good times,'' I added.

"Yes.... they are," he replied.

Then I gave the notebook and technical Caesar. He took them and started writing all kinds of things. So we spent a good ten minutes laughing as he drew various things.

''Oh that was funny! Where did you learn to draw an bear?'' I asked him.

"I nature, I know what..... he looks," he answered, looking at the drawing.

Then I took another notebook and looked at my old attempts to calculate something. There was mostly calculations for my job. I smiled as I scrolled. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Caesar was still trying to draw something. Since my spine hurt a little, I made myself comfortable. I leaned on a rock with a notebook on one raised knee. Then I started writing notes related to my work in case I forgot.

[Everything I wrote]

• Basic synthetic and analytical methods (...)

• Obtaining and studying chemicals and reactions (...)

• Main chemical, physical and tehnical aspects (...)

• Chemical of industrial production
(taking into account the costs of raw materials and energy) (...)

• Skills in planning, setting up and conducting chemical experiments in

After I finished writing I closed the notebook. Caesar gave me back the notebook and I put them both in my bag. Then I heard a ape screeching. Caesar and I stood up from the sudden growl. Caesar went to the voices while I followed him. When we came to the end of the rock, we saw a man standing. There were apes around him. I thought I'd take a closer look at the man, so I leaned over. Caesar then stopped me by putting his hand on my chest. He looked down to tell me not to get too close or I might fall. Then I looked at the man and we made eye contact.

''Please, please, please don't kill me. Just hear to what I have to say. I know, don't come back. I know, I just, wouldn't be here a longer---'' He wanted to finish the sentence as he stood up, but one of the gorillas put him back down on the floor.

''Okay, okay, okay. I need to show you something. It's not far,'' he said looking at caesar.

''Human lies!" Koba shouted towards Caesar.

''No, no! No, no, no I swear! If I can just show you, you would understand. Please,'' he said.

 ''Show me," Caesar said.

Even though I was far away from the man I could feel him sigh in relief. We all went after Caesar who went after that man. We walked like that for fifteen minutes until we finally came to a waterfall and a factory. This place is weird. Who would build a factory in the middle of the forest far from the city? I noticed that a couple of people were with him. When we passed the dam and entered that factory, we stopped. That man looked at us and then looked at some machine.

''City used to run off nuclear power but that ran out years ago so we've been using diesel generators and gasifiers but if we can just get this, this dam working than we have a shot at restoring limited power,'' he said in one breath but I managed to understand what he meant.

Than that man steps down from a control platform and faces us.

''Is any of this making sense to you?'' he asked Caesar.

I already know what it is about, the device.

"Device," I said and Caesar and other apes looked at me.

Malcolm nodded and than looked at caesar.

''This is your home and I don't want to take it away from you, my promise but if you can allow us, let us do our work here--'' He was interrupted because the koba started to say something.

 ''Just a few, I'm not a threat, if I am then I guess you can kill me,'' he replied looking at Caesar.

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