New beginning

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Will Pov

After half an hour of walking, I reached the bridge. Everything was still destroyed. Many cars and trucks used to pass throught this bridge, but now there is nothing. In addition to the destroyed cars on the road, there were also police cars because they were fighting the apes. I sighed and started walking. I started thinking about everything that happened.

~ Past ~

My father had Alzheimer's disease. I couldn't watch him try to fight it so I used ALZ-112 on him. It didn't work because his immune syster fought it off. In the meantime, I managed to produce a new potential drug ALZ-113. I tried to test it on my father but he wouldn't let me. He died soon after. I felt very sorry for him then. I soon realized that my boss Steven had given the order to test ALZ-113 on the apes. The ALZ-113 allows the brains of apes to replicate its own cells to repair itself at, which in turn grants them heightened intelligence, and can be inherited by the offspring of infected apes. The only physically notable symptom is the adoption of a green tint in the infected apes' irises.

~ End of past ~

It was my fault because I should never have told him about that medicine. And worst of all, I created it. But I didn't create it for the sake of a new pandemic, but to help my father. And now it's been worse that I'm moving from my hometown because of that medicine. Humans do bad things, and I hate to admit that I am one of them. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt myself stepping on the grass. I looked behind me and then looked ahead. O sighed and headed into the forest. Although I have seen many movies, going into the forest does not scare me as much as many. After two hours of walking, I sat down on a rock and took out a bottle to drink. I continued on for another hour and then I noticed that it was getting dark. I know it's not safe to lay by the fire because there are a lot of dangerous animals here so I started to get out my camping gear. I took our the metal folding sticks. After 10 minutes of struggle, I managed to set up camp. When I gathered a dozen of them I lit the lighter and started the fire. I entered the camp and left it a little open to let the warm air in.

I ate two apples and drank water to end the day. I didn't put out the fire because I didn't have a blanket so I would be cold. I closed the camp and lay down next to my things. I closed my eyes and only hoped that tomorrow would be a new day.

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