"urmm y-yeah" she gently took his hand and he took her to the dance floor.

They didn't exactly mix with the vampire, only stayed by the corner.

"awwwwn, they look so cute together" Willow smiled.

They didn't look so good in my own opinion.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Seth gritting his teeth. Was he jealous?

"Seth is something the matter?" I placed my hand gently on his shoulder.

He was startled by my touch. I seemed to have snapped him out of his anger.

"well...that guy that's dancing with Paloma took my chance" he sounded nervous and a bit angry about the whole thing.

"you could always offer her a second dance and a third or fourth"

"yeah but-" he was fidgeting with his fingers.

Awwwwn it was cute seeing him like this. It was like advising a little brother I never had.

"don't be afraid ok?" was all I said before he nodded with a smile.


So far so good, everyone was having an incredibly good time.

When it was time for the second and third dance, Seth made sure he danced with Paloma.

They both looked happy about it.

Though she would occasionally step on his feet every now and then.

Meanwhile, me and Willow hadn't danced with anyone so we decided to dance with ourselves.

Call us silly but it was really fun.

When we weren't dancing, the four of us would chatter amongst ourselves or just pick a few things at the buffet table.

The food made my taste buds explode.

Credit to the chef. He seemed to have poured his heart into making all of this.

When it was time for the final dance, Seth and Paloma were the first to dance. Watching them warmed my heart.

Since I'm such a huge fan of romance, this kind of things always made me happy.

"they look really good together" Willow was grinning as well except hers held a whole lot of mischief.

"yeah they really do. Don't try to sabotage them though because I see right through you" a sudden thought popped into my head. No one danced with me.

I've always been a fan of romance yet nothing romantic had ever happened to me.

Quite sad or should I say ironic isn't it?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

When I turned around my eyes widened slightly.

This was the first time I sat eyes on Xander since the dance began.

He looked snazzy with his tux and dress pants. His hair was gelled so it looked really shiny.

Though there were few strands falling off and touching his face.

No matter how hard his father wanted him to look perfect, he would always be a rebel.

"may I have this dance?" there was a boyish smirk playing on his face and it made my face go red.

The only thing I could so was nod.

Willow was giving me a thumbs up when I turned around.

A bit of guilt came over me, knowing she would be all alone.

He led me to the middle of the dance floor and we were literally the center of attention.

I'm sure everyone found it weird that he would choose to dance with a pet over all the other ladies here.

Then again if they weren't paying that much attention to detail, then they might just think I'm a regular vampire like them.

Then his hands were on my waist.

There was a huge lump in my throat so I forcefully swallowed it.

Xander placed my hands on his broad shoulders.

When he began to move to the rhythm, I followed while keeping my head down. Lord knows there was a smirk on his face.

"look at me" his voice was husky and I obeyed.

Staring at his beautiful eyes made me forget so many things. But I didn't care.

"you can dance well. I'm impressed" his compliment made me blush.

"t-thank you. Why did you choose to dance with me? What would everyone think about you dancing with me? Especially your parents" my voice was small.

"they can all go to hell for all I care and as for my parents, they're too busy talking to ministers and Lords" he said in my head.

Guess he didn't want people listening in on our conversation.

Not that I could blame him though.

"plus, you look prettier than any girl here so they'll assume you're a vampire" he winked and my face went red.

Especially since I was the only one who could hear what he was saying.

The dance was going smoothly.

Xander would occasionally tell me to keep my head up whenever I forget.

I've never felt so happy and alive in such a long time.

Every now and then, he would spin me around and do a dip. My face was red throughout the night.

Whenever we did the dip, his face would be incredibly close and he'd flash a fanged smirk.

Some girls would glare but Xander said I shouldn't pay much attention to them.

But he didn't say that out loud.

The night went on with me dancing in his arms.

I felt so safe and untouchable.

This was by far one of the best feelings I've had in a long time.

When the lights brightened, everyone clapped and some people began to go home.

Was it over so soon?

"I-is it over?" I said while yawning.

"yes, unfortunately" he muttered.

The fact that he had his last dance with me was beyond my reasoning.

I felt like even with all his compliments there was probably another reason he decided to dance with me.

I looked around for Willow but I didn't see her.

Guess we couldn't say our goodbyes.

"well it's time to go back to bed" Xander held my hand while we walked back to our room.

The walk back upstairs was filled with silence.

I know I was going to sleep with a smile on my face.


Predator✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora