"Because we're out of food. I had to go to the market yesterday, but I only got what I needed to make dinner yesterday. So we need to go and get more food for the week." he answered. 

This wasn't the only reason Katsuki wanted to go to the market so badly, the main reason was actually that he wanted to do a cute little date with his wife as they went to the market. A simple shopping date that they used to do a long time ago. 

"Ah- you're not wrong, but we should have enough stuff to make dinner tonight, right?" 

"No, I used everything, so we have to go today!" Katsuki blurted. 

"O-Okay, no need to act like we need to rush to get there. It's not like there's a sale today or something." Izuku muttered as she turned the stroller around and they started heading towards the market. 

'Yes! Step 1 of influencing her is done, now to get to step 2!' Katsuki thought, he made this feel like he was about to go into battle, as this was a live or die moment.

"Mama, where are we going?" Katsuma asked. 

"We're going to the market, your favorite place." Izuku answered. 


"Oh yeah, yesterday we came here without you, and someone recognized him." Katsuki noted. 

"Mn. Me and the kids usually go to the market on Mondays, and since this is the same market I used to shop at when I lived alone, everyone that works at the market recognizes me. So once I got married and had the kids, I would bring the kids with me anywhere and go, and everyone at the market eventually recognized the kids on a weekly basis so that it's not a surprise to see them. You could say Katsuma and the twins are more popular than you are even when you're the Number 1 hero." Izuku explained. 

'That makes sense, that old lady didn't recognize me as the Number 1 hero, but she recognized Katsuma really easily. Oh yeah, and Deku even wrote everything she just said in that notebook I found last night. Wait- since I read that book, then that means I know what I can try and pull off here.

"Let's see, what should we have for our meals this week?" Izuku mumbled as she pulled out her phone and searched through the internet. 

"What're you doing?" 

"Oh, I usually look up ideas of meals that I can make for the kids. I usually do this kind of stuff at home before coming to the market, but since this is a last minute plan, I didn't have anything planned." she answered as she didn't even look up from her phone. 

'She plans this stuff out?' 

"So what do I need to do?" he asked. 

"Hm? You... want to help?" Izuku asked, as she looked up at him. 

"Why else would I suggest we come here and then not help?" 

"Ah- that's true, but I don't think we'll need a whole lot for dinners since you're not usually home by then-" 

"I will now." 

"Okay. Wait- huh?" 

He looked her straight in the face as he stated; 

"I'll come home to make dinner from now on too."

The greenette batted her eyes a few times trying to process what her husband just said and didn't know how to respond. 

"C-Come again?" 

"I'm not just taking weekends off now, I'm gonna come home and make dinner everyday from now on too. So that means that we need to get a lot of things this time." Katsuki stated. 

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