Izuku's cheeks blushed harder and she felt tongue-tied by the comment. 

"I-I didn't forget, y-you just haven't cooked in a while so I-I just... u-umm..." 

"Papa and mama are flirting." Katsuma mumbled. 

"N-NO WE'RE NOT!!! W-We should eat before the food gets cold!" Izuku exclaimed as she started scarfing down her dinner. It was a bittersweet compliment for him, and he could tell that he somehow managed to crack her wall that she kept to distance herself from him. 

'I'll get your trust back, I promise, Deku.'

"Thank you for dinner, papa!" Katsuma said happily. 

"Well since you made dinner, I'll clean up and-" 

"I'll do it." Katsuki interrupted. 


"I'll clean up, it's fine. There's a lot of things I haven't been doing at home, so I'm just paying you back for it." Katsuki explained. 

"O-Oh, I see. Then, Katsuma, can you go to the bathroom and wait for me to give you and your brother and sister a bath?" Izuku asked. 

"Okay~!" Katsuma answered and ran straight to the bathroom. 

Just as Katsuki was about to start cleaning everything, he felt something press onto his shoulder and he turned his head to see Izuku standing right next to him and she gently pecked his cheek. 

"Thank you for today, but there's still plenty of days left for you to pay me back." Izuku said sweetly. Katsuki felt his cheeks burning up and it felt like a really long time since she'd applauded him for his actions. 

"I-It... It was nothing." Katsuki muttered with embarrassment. 

"Hmph, you should just take that as another compliment and keep it up." Izuku noted as she grabbed the twins out of their high chairs and went to the bathroom.

Soon the blond was left in the living room and standing there all alone and he wasn't sure what to do now. 

'Damn, should I go back to work tomorrow? But if I do that then...' he thought as he looked around his house and glanced at the door leading to the nursery and remembered the book he found. 

'Oh yeah, what was that book that I saw earlier?' he thought and walked straight into the nursery to see the book was moved but now resting on the dresser. 

'Is this just another photo album for the kids that Deku made?' 

But the second he opened the book and turned to the next page after the first picture he saw earlier that day, his eyes widened when it was pages of Izuku's handwriting. 

'What... is this?'

This book will be filled with all the most important things about my children, and I hope to keep these memories forever and never let them be forgotten. This book won't just be filled with pictures of important memories, but I will make sure to write all the things about my children. From what their favorite things are, to what they least like, I want to fill this book with everything about my children. I'm not the only one who wants to keep these important notes written down, as I want to one day have other people learn more about my children and how much I love and care for them the most. 

'A book... about our kids?' 

He turned the page and it was nothing but pictures of Katsuma back when he was an infant.

Katsuma was pretty small when he was born, but since he was healthy and growing fast, I knew that he was just like Kacchan. The first time I saw Katsuma, I knew he'd become just like Kacchan when he grows up, he even has the same hair color and eyes as Kacchan too. To say that I was blessed to have a mini Kacchan always hugging my leg was a blessing to say the least. And though I know he's busy right now being the Number 1 hero, I know that Kacchan will eventually come around and bond with Katsuma once he gets to a certain age. At least, that's what I hope for most of all. 

'She knew... I was so distant from them early on?' he thought, which only made his heart throb at the thought. He glanced back at the door to see no one was coming so he sat down against the wall and started reading more.

Now that Katsuma's 1 year old, I can tell that he's starting to learn things pretty fast and knows what he likes and dislikes already. For instance, he's learned that Kacchan is a hero and has seen a few videos of Kacchan in action. So after lunch or dinner–once a day–we get on my computer and I show Katsuma videos of Kacchan, so Katsuma knows that his dad is really cool! The reason I do this is because I want Katsuma to know who his dad is even when Kacchan isn't around. I want Katsuma to be happy to see his dad, even when he barely knows anything about him. I don't know how long Kacchan will distance himself from our son, but I know that it will take time for Kacchan to accept that he's a dad and he should take care of his kids. 

'She shows him videos of me? No wonder he gets excited when he sees me when I thought he'd be scared of me.'

After a few pages of more reading, he looked to see that the second half of the book was about not just Katsuma, but the twins; Izuki and Izumu. 

I do regret being so pushy to Kacchan that I wanted to have more kids, but on the other hand, I just didn't want Katsuma to be lonely. I just know now that 3 kids is enough for me, but I don't regret a single day because Katsuma is really excited to be a big brother. Though Katsuma's now 2 years old, he's taken on the role of big brother very well and likes helping me out when it comes to Izuki and Izumu. But there have been plenty of times that Katsuma is just as big of a problem as his new brother and sister, but it's okay, it's made life very exciting.

Since I'm still on maternity leave, I've been staying at home with the kids a lot and every few days we have to go to the market. Katsuma's always excited to go to the market because he's been learning all kinds of foods and things. So every time we go to the market, I will ask Katsuma what I need, and he'll go find it. It may sound a bit dangerous for a 2 year old to do by himself, but since all the people that work at the market are nice and trusting, I know that if Katsuma gets lost, someone who works at the market will help him get back to me. Katsuma's not the only one who gets happy going to the market, as all the people that work there enjoy his liveliness and contagious smile. Katsuma's smile is just like Kacchan's, it makes me wanna hug him tightly and never let go. 

Katsuki read that sentence a few more times and felt his heart race at the thought. 

'She likes... my smile that much? Then it looks like... I'm not working tomorrow.'

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

It's been almost 2 weeks since I've posted anything, and I'm so sorry to you guys for waiting so long! I was out of town last week and was exhausted by the time I got back home that I've literally done nothing but rest and not write, so shame on me! 

But now I'm back and plan to be posting up to 20 chapters total by tomorrow and get back to 15 chapters a week like usual! I do not plan on going on another vacation anytime soon or go on writers block either. My goal to finish this fanfic by October is still the same, so I will push myself to do my best!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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