[Chapter 16] - This Uneasy Feeling

Start from the beginning

She looked back at the three, standing in the doorway. Y/n gave them a small smile, "why not?" she said, motioning them to come in, "take a seat."

Y/n didn't like meeting new people, rather she'd steer clear of them, and to be introduced to three people at once may have been a bit much for her. Especially if she didn't know anything about them beforehand.

The three entered and sat with them around the wooden coffee table.

"Don't you guys have to go on missions later?" Kurapika asked the three.

"Yeah," Basho replied, "but we have some time, so we thought we'd lend a hand. Linssen suggested it actually."

"Well thank you," Kurapika said.

Y/n looked over at the brown-haired man. His hollowed-out cheeks and blank stare made Linssen quite the character.

"I heard you guys talking about the Norreti family," Melody confessed, taking a seat on the couch behind Y/n.

"Yeah," Y/n said softly.

Basho took a seat beside Kurapika, "I didn't know they disbanded till yesterday," he shared.

"It was quite private," Y/n noted.

Basho began passing out cups of coffee, Melody helping him.

"Thank you," Kurapika said, grabbing the offered cup out of Basho's hand.

Linssen sat on the other side of Y/n. "Were you guys up late?" he asked.

Y/n looked back at him, "yeah, quite late," she weakly laughed.

"You don't seem tired," Basho noted.

Y/n's eyes darted to him, "for some reason I'm not." She looked over at Linssen, "why?" she asked him.

"Oh," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I thought I heard people yesterday when I was leaving."

She hummed, "yeah, that was probably us," Y/n admitted.

"You worked late?" Kurapika asked Linssen.

"Yeah," he said, "I had to finish up paperwork on the auction."

Kurapika nodded.

Basho stared at them wide-eyed. "We're still not done that?" Basho sighed.

Linssen laughed, "well, it's a good thing we have Y/n helping us," he said looking over at her. "You're from the Zoldyck Estate, isn't that right?" he asked, boring into her eyes.

There was an uneasiness that picked at her skin. Being under his gaze felt familiar, and she didn't like it.

Melody's eyes shifted from one to the other.

"Yeah, that's right," Y/n replied.

Linssen moved his chair closer to her. Y/n could feel the proximity eating at her composure. Usually, this wouldn't bother her too much, but his eyes struck an unsettling aura.

Linssen smiled, "how long have you worked for -"

Melody's laugh broke the conversation, "enough with the interrogation Linssen," she said. "We're here to help them, not distract them."

The two looked over at Melody. Relief washed over Y/n's body and she couldn't help but give Melody a small smile. Had she done that on purpose? It was strange that she could sense her discomfort, or maybe it was a coincidence.

"Right, my bad" Linssen laugh, "let's get to work."

Y/n could feel a pain in her head start to grow.

Basho was about to speak but held back his words. He paused for a moment, "what are we working on again," he asked.

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