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Isla sat in the driver's seat waiting for Leo's train. Cody sat in the backseat, but Riley stayed home. Leo had talked more about another car, but first they had the wedding to pay for.

They planned a small wedding unlike Lilli and Zach's large affair. They had just returned from a weekend in Maine for their friends' wedding. Leo said theirs would be beautiful with fewer guests. Neither of them had a lot of friends. Lilli and Zach were going to stand up for them. Leo didn't want Percy to reprise the role although he promised to come.

The church required six months for marriage preparation. Because August was a popular month, Father offered them the third Friday night in August. Leo didn't hesitate when he said they would take it.

The reason Leo was eager was the same reason Isla felt tied in knots. As Leo walked toward her, she forgot all about her nerves. He leaned over and kissed her. "Missed you. How was your day?"

"Hot. Good. The restaurant wants to finalize the appetizer choices."

"We'll decide tonight. How hard should it be? It's twenty-four people."


"Close enough."

After dinner, they compiled a list which Leo emailed to the restaurant. Leo came down in his swim shorts after putting Riley to bed. "I need to buy another air conditioner. They aren't sleeping with us." Isla blushed. "Swim with me."

Isla had moved to Marcia's in February but used her old room to change. The night air was warm, and the water felt refreshing. Leo held her and they kissed. Isla wanted to pull away, but in two weeks she would share his bed.

She wasn't the only one thinking about their wedding night. His lips left hers and traveled to her neck and behind her ear. She leaned on him for support so she wouldn't slip under.

In a husky voice, he said, "I'm gonna touch you here." He caressed her breast across her taut nipple. "And here." His hand traveled down her belly causing her to tremor and lightly brushed between her legs so briefly she wondered if it happened. She wanted his hand to stop the pulsing but couldn't ask.

He pleaded. "Touch me." She shook her head. "You'll be less scared if you make friends."

She giggled. "Friends?"

He laughed. "Best of friends."

Reluctantly Isla brushed her fingertips along the hard ridge. Even after reading every day, the man's body was still a mystery.

"Oof." Leo's response sent a new tremor through her.

"You know there is a lot we can do without making love completely."

"No, it's only two weeks. You've waited this long. Besides, we haven't settled our issue."

Leo groaned and stepped back. "That's as effective as a cold shower."

"Part of the sacrament is to agree to children."

"I already promised you a baby or two, but I'm too old and honestly, I can't afford more than that."

"I know but..." Birth control was the issue.

"Can you honestly say you're ready to get pregnant next month?"

It might be hard enough being a wife. "I don't but..."

"Have you talked to Marcia?"

"No. Maybe I'll talk to Helen."

"How many kids does she have?"

"Five, I think."

"This house would burst at the seams with five more kids, plus it's not fair to Riley and Cody. One baby would take our time and attention from them. Riley's almost a teenager."

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