23 - Fate

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Leo woke with a start covered in a pool of sweat. He had dreamed he was sitting next to Autumn, and she woke up. When he repeated all the things he told her, she grew angry when he mentioned Reagan. He kept saying he was sorry and he loved her. When he mentioned they were divorced her bed fell through the floor. It morphed into the vision of her falling off the cliff which haunted his dreams.

He rolled over. It was five am, eight at home. His heart pounded, and he knew he wouldn't go back to sleep, so he sat up. School had started and Isla had her daily Mass. Life went on, but he felt cemented in the past. A part of him regretted his visit but would had regretted it if he hadn't gone.

"Not tonight," he said to himself.

He got up and pulled out his laptop. His stomach interrupted his work, it thought he missed breakfast. He showered and dressed in order to go to the hotel's restaurant. He was one of a few patrons and received his bagel quickly. A large screen aired CNN which kept him occupied, but he missed Riley complaining and Cody announcing he tied his shoes. His visit to Autumn had left his heart battered. Meanwhile, on the television politicians were playing the blame game. Life continued on.

He returned to his room and checked in with Chelsea at the office. He had filled her email inbox. After hanging up, he called his house. It rang four times before Isla answered.

"Hi. It's Leo."

"In California."

Leo chuckled. "Yes. It's not even nine, and I feel like it's almost time for lunch."

"I struggle with daylight savings. I wouldn't want to travel out of the time zone."

Leo smiled. "Not even for a vacation?"

"When would I go on vacation?"

With us. Visions of her in the pool filled his mind. "Is everything going okay at home?"

"Fine. They're at school. I'm cleaning. They miss you."

"I miss them too." He would have liked a hug after his visit.

"Riley. Riley said." Isla's voice cracked.

Leo waited. After a few seconds, he asked, "What did Riley say?"

"You will see her mother." Her voice trailed off.

"I did last night. It was something I needed to do."

"Do you still love her?" Her question was faint across her lips.

"I will always love her."

Her voice grew stronger. "Why did you get divorced?"

Leo held his secrets close. "It's complicated. You may not understand. I wouldn't want you to think less of me."

"Why would I ever think anything like that? You are a kind person and a good father."

But the church opposed divorce. "I'm not religious like you."


"Also complicated."

"Faith can be."

Her faith appeared straight forward and unwavering. "Why did you leave Philly? What did you run from?"

"It's complicated."

He laughed. "We are a pair. I need to get ready for my meeting. Isla, thanks for caring for my kids."

"I love them." The smile in her voice came through.

He met Matthew in the lobby to wait for the car to take them to the studio.

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