38 - Negative NUMBers

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Isla paced the kitchen as Riley cried. "How do I do this?"

"I'm sure your teacher told you how."

"Yeah, but..."

Isla stopped walking. "Did you pay attention?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. I hate math."

"You need to pay attention because I went to school a long time ago."

"You're smart. You read and..."

Isla pointed to Riley. "You're smart. You read and if I can't help you your father will have to later."

"Please, just try."

Isla sighed and sat down. "It's just addition."

"Yeah, but what about those?" She pointed to negative signs.

"Negative three minus five." Isla drew a number line with numbers to the left of zero. She pointed to the negative three. "Minus is to the left, so it's negative eight."

Riley looked up at her. "You should be a teacher.

"I didn't go to college. Try the next one." Isla watched. "Good job. Now keep going. I need to check on dinner."

It had been cold all day, so she made a big pot of soup. She even made a loaf of bread to go with it. The kitchen smelled delicious, and the math was ruining the warm and cozy feeling.

Her phone buzzed, and she looked at her text. "Your dad is on an earlier train. Get your coat on. Cody!"

Isla texted to let him know they would be waiting. "You can do your math in the car."

Riley groaned. Isla smiled, then frowned. Sometimes she sounded like a mother but wasn't one.

They arrived early and waited for the train. When Isa saw Leo, she noted he looked tired. She winced; being tired with math drama was torture.

"Hi, guys." He slipped into the car and didn't look at her.

Had she done something wrong? Her belly clenched. She was always one step from losing her home. It had happened throughout her childhood. The fate of a foster child.

"Dad, I need help with my math."

Leo winced, as Isla felt a heaviness in her chest. Nothing felt right. Where was Leo's light-hearted joking?

"I tried." Isla glanced at Leo, but he kept looking out the window.

No one spoke the rest of the way home. The kids ran in while she and Leo took their time. The warm baked bread scented home felt less comforting, and Isla shivered inside the door. As she hung her coat on a hook in the small entryway, Leo stood behind her and she felt his warm breath send a pleasant shiver through her.

"It smells good."

She didn't move. "How was your day?"

He groaned. "Math?"

"Negative numbers. Dinner's ready, if you're hungry."

"It smells good. Isla." He said her name as a plea. Then he put his arms around her and pulled her back into his front. It would be so easy to turn and hug him, but a child could appear at any minute.

He let go, and she walked to the stove to stir the soup. When he stepped into the kitchen without his coat, she turned to look at him. Something was wrong. "Is everything okay with the movie and Lilli's friend?" He nodded. "And the new book you're excited about?"

"Fine. That's actually going well. Let's eat and get through the math." He rolled his eyes like his daughter causing some weight to shift off her heart.

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