18 - Nightmare

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Isla had been afraid of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson arriving, but the older woman came into the kitchen and helped. Then she told Isla to let the meat rest before carving it. When Isla started to carve into the roast, the grandmother stopped her with a gentle hand on the wrist. It was hard work, but Isla had never shied from work, just people. Ironically, she didn't feel shy with Leo's parents.

Isla felt awkward at dinner. First she had to squeeze in next to Leo. When her arm touched his, she felt things she hadn't felt with Paul. She hadn't heard from Paul all week and felt glad. Her tummy was tight as the conversation left her uneasy, and Leo upset.

It was late when they returned home from Mass. She enjoyed explaining the traditions to Riley, just as Sister Agnes had once explained them to her. Repeating the same rituals year after year provided a level of comfort, like a hug through the heavily incensed air. Each day they were preparing for the most important holy day of the year.

Leo looked upset at dinner, but he looked sad and weary when they returned. He went upstairs to put Riley to bed, because he always handled bedtime, unless he was on a date. She wondered if his ended for the same reason hers had. Did the woman want more than she should or had it been Leo? She didn't like the feeling she had when she thought of him kissing the woman with her long, red painted nails.

She went downstairs to get ready for bed. In the morning, she would make breakfast. Good Friday was a fast day. Their tradition of fasting differed from other faiths, like Muslim and Jewish people. She had studied other religions as part of learning her own. Fasting entailed two small meals together equaling one evening meal. There was no snacking or meat. In the convent, there were no sweets for Lent, but the Nelsons ate desserts throughout the forty days.

She took off her clothes and put on her white cotton nightgown. It was old and needed to be replaced with something else. Maybe she should ask Lilli what she slept in. Heat spread across her cheeks as she remembered Lilli shared a bed with Zach. Isla was certain nakedness was involved. Her tummy hurt at the idea. She should have stayed at the convent.

After brushing her hair and teeth, she climbed into her bed. It was the most comfortable bed she had ever had, biggest too. Her little room was a sanctuary, with the family two floors above. Except she heard squeaking and creaking outside her door. She stood and cracked the door slightly. The opening was just enough to see Leo making up a bed. She hadn't expected him to sleep in the basement. His face looked ridged and sadness darkened his eyes. Quietly, she shut her door and climbed in bed. Sleep came slower than usual as the light seeped in under the door. Just knowing he was on the other side kept her from drifting off.

Isla woke up with a start. She heard a voice. "No. Don't."

She jumped out of bed and opened the door. Leo was thrashing on the mattress calling out, mostly jumbled words and sounds. She couldn't leave him in his nightmare.

"Leo. Wake up." He continued thrashing. Her eyes adjusted to the dark. She could see he had tears. Louder she repeated for him to wake up. He moaned but didn't wake. She hesitantly reached out and shook his shoulder. "Wake up." He jumped and opened his eyes. He looked at her, but she doubted he focused. Softly, she said, "You had a nightmare."

He sat up and scrubbed his hands over his face. "I'm okay. I'll be fine."

She doubted it but respected him for wanting to be alone. Lilli would be bold and offer to talk, but she nodded and turned to her room.

His response sounded like a whisper. "Thanks, Isla."

She felt his words in her chest. Taking his pain, she climbed into bed and softly wept. Even without knowing the cause of his hurt, she suffered with him. Everyone had a cross to bear, and his must be extra burdensome.

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