94. Lessons learned

Start from the beginning

"Agh, I was just giving Hiccup a mouthful about how stupid he's being," Dagur said grumpily. "The shipyard's obviously a trap!"

Oh this idiot, Kiara grumbled inwardly.

"Shut it, Dagur," Astrid snapped. She shoved him into a dragon pen and locked the thick-barred door. "That should hold you."

"We'll figure out what to do with you when we get back," Hiccup said grimly.

"I have some ideas," Heather said, gripping her axe fiercely.

"Just one question, Hiccup. Why attack now? Did the number of ships at that shipyard just happen to go up?" Dagur asked conversationally.

"Uh, yes. From eight to twelve."

"Of course they did!" he shrieked, lunging forwards and thrusting his enraged face through the bars. "Because eight ships wasn't enough to draw you in! Use your brain, Hiccup!"

Even Kiara, who stood further back with the twins, jumped at the sudden outburst.

Hiccup folded his arms, his eyes hardening. "I am, and you know what? It's telling me not to trust you."

Dagur drew back at that, face tight with frustration and... was that a flicker of hurt?

Hiccup, Astrid and Heather walked out as the twins stepped forward. "You're on guard duty, Chicken. Keep an eye on this guy," Tuffnut said, releasing the bird. Squawking, Chicken landed in front of the cell door and stared up at her prisoner. Her prisoner stared back with wide-eyed bafflement.

Satisfied, the twins left.

And that left the two newest riders on either side of the bars.

"So they obviously don't believe me," Dagur said with a trace of bitterness as he looked out towards the moonlit entrance. His eyes snapped to Kiara, pinning her with a perceptive look. "What about you?"

Kiara's gaze trailed to the outdoors. Suddenly, she wished she had walked out with the twins.

"Kiara...?" his sing-song voice drew her eyes back to him. She sighed.

"I...I want to believe you, Dagur, but—"

"No," he cut in, pointing at her almost accusingly. "You already believe me. You just don't want to fight Hiccup."

"I trust Hiccup," she said firmly.

"Ah, but you believe me."

Kiara rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine, I believe you. Or at least I believe you're genuine and not spying or whatever. But you're not making a good case for yourself. At all," she scolded. "Just drop the paranoia and hold tight until—"

"Until after the mission??!"

"The mission will be fine, for God's sake! Hiccup's got it handled."

"He doesn't even know what he's flying into!"

"Oh, brother..." she muttered, rubbing her forehead.

"I won't let him lead Heather into a death trap," Dagur continued. "She means more to me than anyone has ever meant before. I know she hates me but I can't bear to lose her, Kayf—Kiara."

Kiara breathed out slowly before addressing him. "For whatever it's worth, I'll look out for Heather. I promise. In the meantime, try to chill out."

Dagur folded his arms, clearly dissatisfied. Kiara shook her head at him and left.

Her mind too occupied to go to bed just yet, she walked only a few paces from the dragon pens and sat at the edge of the wooden landing platform in front of it, her feet dangling in the nighttime breeze. She was frustrated at Dagur. He was making everything so much harder than it had to be! Couldn't he just trust Hiccup to handle this mission like Hiccup always did? Instead, he poked his nose into things, making himself look guilty, and got himself locked up. The berserker siblings will never reconcile at this rate.

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