Chapter I: Reccomendation Exam

Start from the beginning

The teacher reached out a hand, "Sasuke, you can't just leave class whenever you want."

Sasuke swatted away his hand, "Don't start acting like a teacher now after you let Bakugo act out and nearly attack Midoriya. We aren't doing any work today anyways." He continued out of the class which remained silent for a while. 

Sasuke hung out around the school grounds for a while and a girl ran up to him and handed him a letter before running away blushing. Sasuke glanced at it briefly, 'Another love letter huh?' His thoughts were interrupted when he saw a burnt notebook fly out of a window into a sink full of water near him. He stared for a moment before walking over to it and picking it up. 'This looks like Midoriya's notebook,' His eyes narrowed, 'And Bakugo's handy work. He probably threw it out of the window.'

Sasuke picked up a nearby towel that was hanging and dried off the notebook. Sasuke was going to place the notebook nearby but opened it out of curiosity. Sasuke looked through the pages, 'Mentally, he's dedicated to the Hero life, although...' he imagined Midoriya's skin and bones frame and his brow a scrunched a little, 'Physically he's a joke with no dedication. Martial arts, strength training, at least do something.' 

Sasuke placed the notebook down on top of the sink and noticed Midoriya exiting the building and running in his direction. Sasuke walked away and Midoriya picked up his notebook while biting his lip and having low eyelids which Sasuke picked up on. 

"Sasuke!" Sasuke kept walking, "Saaasuke!" 

Sasuke sighed and looked behind him, "What?"

"Thank you for taking care of my notebook!" 

Sasuke waved him off, "It's nothing, I just happened to be passing by." 

"Even still! This notebook is important to me, so I'm grateful."

Sasuke paused for a moment before turning around fully and staring at Midoriya, "Midoriya, if you really want to…" he turned around and kept walking, "Nevermind," Midoriya tilted his head.

After taking the train home Sasuke passed by a vending machine, "They finally have Onigiri," Sasuke proceeded to buy all of the Onigiri and put them in a bag before walking away, but heard a voice behind him. 

"No more Onigiri? Young man, can I buy one of those off of you?"

Sasuke turned around, "Sorry, but n–" he stopped when he saw the blonde man in front of him. The man towered over him at 7'3, but he was so skinny Sasuke swore he could make out the shape of his skull through his thin face. The rest of his body was almost just as bad. The eyes of the man went wide when he saw Sasuke, but he quickly hid it. 'This guy looks like he's going to drop dead soon without any food.' He pulled a couple out of his bag and saw an All Might ad on the wrappers,  "Here, no payment needed." 

He smiled, "You're a very kind young man."

Sasuke continued home to his apartment and took his monthly government payment check out of the mailbox before entering the comfort of his empty home. The floor was a dull brown wood and the walls were a lifeless gray, with no pictures or decorations anywhere. It was very minimalist with only a bed, dresser, and kitchen ingredients and utensils. There wasn't a couch or anywhere for other people to sit for that matter. His only company was a picture of his parents that sat on his dresser. Besides that, the TV and computer were the two forms of entertainment in the room. On the tv, he'd mostly rewatch the alien movies while on the computer he'd occasionally scroll through /pol/ and /r9k/.

The only non-minimalist part of his home was his at-home gym complete with Olympic rings, a weighted vest, a pull-up bar, resistance bands, and a pair of forty-five-pound dumbbells. His equipment choice was suited for what he envisioned as his ideal fighting style, suiting his quirk. His quirk would be doing most of the damage, so he doesn't need a huge muscular frame, flexibility and mastery over his body weight suits him better.

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