The fight with the vampire was serious. It was the first time when lashed out on her. He was angry and disappointed at her and he has his reasons. Lizzie on the other hand didn't take that we'll. She went to the town square, she was having an emotional tantrum to herself when she saw the phoenix going towards the portal and she knew it probably the demon possessing him. She stab him with the sword he held but unfortunately the oni jumped in her. Some how she managed to get a hold on herself but she was losing control so she tied herself with the tree when the tribrid, her sister and the saccubus approached her. And Josie saved her.


Sophia wake up with a bad headache and she was having flashes of images or events in her mind but it was all blurry. Whenever she tried to concentrate on them she ended up having major headaches. Her morning went in waste. Whatever the spell Josie did yesterday had some side effect on her. But the images she seen in her nightmare or episodes seems so real. She was afraid of the outcome of it. She decide she would think about it later. Her only concern seems her mate. A mate she always desired, her thoughts went on the phoenix boy again, she remembered his perfect features as she would spent everyday admiring him.

She was in cafeteria for the breakfast when she saw her mate with his best friend, Rafael. They were talking and laughing while Landon's eye meet with Sophia, she smirked at the boy while Landon looked away. She didn't realise how long she was staring at his direction when she bumped to someone. Jed.
He scowled at her and looked at the same direction as her
"Can't took your eyes off huh... he is a loser, a saccubus isn't his fit" Sophia growled at his comment.
"I didn't ask for your advice"
"Right cause you would've chosen better" he replied moving past her. She huffy in annoyance and grab her tray she scanned the whole area and her eyes landed on the twins. They were in a deep conversation when Sophia approached them
"What is it bothering you Jo?" Lizzie asked her sister but just ignored her question pretend that she didn't listen to her.
"Ever since you come back here you're being distant with me" Lizzie complained
"No I'm not" Josie protested
"Then I'm sure you heard me the first time, so don't ignore my question Jo"
"Lizzie I'm not ignoring you I just don't want to answer that" Josie replied
"Seems like we have lost a lot of bonding time for past 10 months. So take it a start and tell me" She asked again. Josie closed her eyes and took a deep breath
"Hope and I kissed" She said in a hurry. Lizzie mouth went open at her confession and turns into a grin
"I was expecting a normal conversation while you had a devil's tounge with the tribrid" Lizzie tell her twin.
"It was just a moment of weakness... it won't happen again" She replied to Lizzie but it felt she was lying to herself.
"She literally begged you for forgiveness... besides you kissed her back" She teased her.
"You kissed who?" Sophia asked behind them as she moved in front to sit beside Josie on the table
"Just the person I wanna see" Lizzie mumbled "Meet me at the class Jo, I'll be waiting for you" Lizzie said to her twin and left the table glaring at the saccubus. Sophia eyed her as well, she noticed her changed of behaviour when she approached them
"What's wrong with your sister?" She asked the brunette
"Lizzie is being Lizzie. She don't like changes very well" She tells her
"And by changes you mean me?"
"It's not that... she told me she wanted to make up for past months which made me realise how selfish sister I am"
"You're not selfish, you're exact opposite of that. You're kind, caring, sweet and I really like when we kissed" She tells the brunette smirking at the last part
"Shut up" Josie laughed at her
"So who do you kiss which wasn't me?" She asked the brunette with curiosity.
"Come on Jo... you have a crush and you didn't tell me" She asked the brunette in serious tone
"I don't have a crush on anyone. It was Hope" She confessed
"Hope... your ex mate" She stated. Josie just nod at her. Sophia hummed in response.
"So I'm going to enrol here as a student"
"They would teach you about all the supernatural stuffs and you're going to have to train too" Josie said eating her pancakes.
"I don't remember if I've attend a school" Sophia said with a chuckle. Suddenly flashes of the young Sophia riding a horse in middle of a grassland went across her mind. She was in trance, trying to rewind the same thing again but then her head starts to ache.
"Hey you okay?" Josie asked her
"Yeah I'm good. But how are you fine, you pulled out a lot of black magic from that sword"
"I'm fine Soph... but something clearly isn't fine with you, what is it?" She asked again
"I think I'm seeing things which isn't real, it's like I saw them somewhere but didn't remebered it..." She was rambling but the brunette wasn't listening to her. Her breathed hitched and she stopped eating, her heart beat start to pace at rapid growth and she felt the presence of the most powerful being near her. Her mate.
She knew it was the bond and it was getting stronger every day.

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