34. Wooing and Healing

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Ye Hua cooked for us. I reunite with my family and learn to cook from Fengjiu.


At night we had a family meeting in our rooms.

Jiejie told us about the plan, "I had a discussion with Gugu and have come up with a plan that could work. So it's said that Qingqiu had great healing powers. And there is a cave not too far away from here that can be used for recuperating. Due to the rituals performed there for over 70000 years, it is saturated with healing essense. There is a small cave attached to the main one, still within the range of the aura, which can help you if you go there to meditate for a few hours each day as the aura will not be too intense that it could pose any harm. There will be atleast one of us with you everytime you go there. There is also a lake within the caves, you will be consuming it at the end of each week. This will later be useful in reducing the pain during the delivery. "

"Jie along with this do we still continue our original routine?"

"Yes we will be following up on most of it with a few changes to take into account the environment here."

Excited with the news and the plan, we all turn to Fengjiu to express our heartfelt gratitude.

"Thank you Fengjiu, you have come as a blessing in our life "

"Thanks XiaoQi! You have given us the most precious gift."

"Also the food today was delicious!. Thanks Qiqi and Ying-ge"

"Many thanks Xiaojiu, not only for this but also for showing us a whole different world, and that is not just physically. "

" Yeah and also thanks for somehow wonderfully teaching him the art of holding back on spices."

"Yeah about that, congratulations are in order for mission completion of making him listen. May you keep creating many such miracles ahead."

Umm... excuse me! I am right here. I narrow my eyes at them

Fengjiu got a bit shy ," No need, no need. I am happy to help"

I tried to take the heat off me, for now and ever, "A-jie you cannot make me the butt of your cooking jokes anymore. And you should actually watch Mi Gu cook. Atleast when i cook the pots are still visible after."

"That is not a thing to be proud of Xian gege "

"Hmph" Not fair. This is not the time to be this logical. You are missing the whole point.

Fengjiu declared, "Anyways we are not allowing him in the kitchens anymore so there is no comparison "

"Yeah yeah. But I still win. I am awesome at cooking. Don't worry XiaoQi, when you are giving me tips, I'll also do the same so we can share and expand our knowledge together. And you all cannot deny you love my dishes especially today. Can you?"

There was silence.

Are they stunned or just didn't understand my words? I was clear enough.

I repeated the question slowly indicating so that they understand and that they have to answer it. Can you imagine that I had to probe them into answering?

Soon there was a chorus of  "No"s. At which I nodded with a proud smile, satisfied with the response.

And so a new day a new routine started. I would go to the mini cave each day and meditate for a few hours each day and everyday someone would accompany me. Later in the day i would sometimes chat up with others, play with A-Li, go on short walks or cook something new with Fengjiu.

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