In search of truth (1)

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He knows!

But how? I have been careful and even acting extra crazy for his sake but he still found out . And even called me Wei Ying in his soft voice. Ah I could die right now.
It's just that I don't want to cause him pain, by dying in his arms, and just for this reason I don't want to actually die right now.

He lifted up my robe to check the cause of my pain. Even when I knew I acted well and hid my pain. How bold! .
Maybe he's been learning moves these past years.
He sighs looking at the curse that was supposed to be on Jin Ling's leg

But I had to take the curse on myself. He's my nephew after all. How can I bear to see him in pain.And the brat even saved me from the clutches of his still-angry-purple-lotus uncle. I guess he does have his mother's qualities too.

But how embarassing that Jiang Cheng caught me so easily, it's all that monster's fault, Fairy. What a name! I smell angry-soft-lotus behind the naming scheme.

I still can't bear to look at my brother, for he was my younger brother for all intends and purposes. I caused the death of his whole family, his whole sect, and still had the audacity to look at him trying to find the past affection. Looking at him, all those memories came crashing down on me. Our joyful times, playful times, pranks, his irritation with me , jealous times , his trying to protect me in his own way, trying times, death, revenge, politics, following the path we believed was the right one.

We both had things we were responsible for, both had people under our protection and care. Difference was that I couldn't take care of my responsibilities and even though he could, the backlash from my failure and the emotional trauma that these events has caused him made him this bitter angry lotus here. Sometimes I wonder is this his mask, like the smiles and joy is for me...

He was as sure of my Identity as Wei WuXian as my nephew was sure of me not being Wei WuXian. So the rescue mission started Jin Ling style.
And the only thing that I could think of was how much I have wronged him. I wanted to express how deeply remorseful and grateful I am . So I did.
" Thank you and sorry"

After which I finally reach the predecided spot of meeting with Lan Zhan.
Why does it sound more and more like I am rushing of to meet my lover secretly at middle of the night
Which is where he became this bold as to try and violate my modesty. The great esteemed Hanguang-jun offered piggy back ride , to which my masculinity replied No, of course.
But then he promptly picks me up, bridal style right into the inn.

He even helped me from the monstrous being that just won't stop barking. Again!
No no this absolutely doesn't solidify that I am a damsel in distress

He says my memory is bad if I can't tell how he recognised me, but can't he see I'm so clever.
Just by seeing the progress on the case he should be able to tell and as a bonus just tell me how he recognised me.

Meeting with another old acquaintance in the same night was almost too much for me to take.
Am I born unlucky? In my second Life too??

Within this short period I have met most of the people I wanted to steer clear of.
I missed them though. I genuinely worry about Nie-xiong and the burden of responsibility that he has to carry seeing as he is not at all equipped or prepared for it. But something in his eyes tell me there's more to him than just the facade. Another mask? I guess all of us wear them.

The ducklings joined us on our way.
But they were lured here by someone, most probably who doesn't have good intentions.

And on top of that they inhaled the corpse poison.
These kids 😑
These few bonding times with them makes me feel content, even though we are in middle of a dangerous situation.
Come to think of it I have mostly felt content and had happy moments in times of distress and it was the supposed peaceful times that caused tragedy.

I even cooked for them, think they should feel so happy and honoured that the infamous Yiling Laozu is cooking for them (even though they don't know it)
But do they appreciate me? My efforts? No
They even had the nerve to criticize my cooking. So what if it's a little spicy, that is called taste which their food definitely lacks. Though I may have gotten carried away and added just a tad bit extra spice.

I was having an interesting informative session with them and the blind girl when that dipshit Xue Yang had to come ruin it. That too in disguise. As if that lasted long for him.
Just one move of my duckling and he was exposed ( the inquiry) .

He wanted me to glue back the soul of someone who he had destroyed mentally. My shishu*.

*Shishu- apprentice uncle

After watching what my shishu went through because of him there was no way I was just going to let him go unscathed. My two dear ones helped me with this. A-Ning helped with Song Lan while Lan Zhan and A-Qing with Xue Yang.

Does this mean that it's okay or even beneficial to ask for help?
Noo I would just be implicating them even more.

In the end the mask man took away the seal and Xue Yang was met with his doom. And to deliver this who better than Song Lan. Lan Zhan and I gave them some privacy to deal with their matters. And later we paid respect to the ones suffered. Song Lan will be continuing his journey alone, with just his friend's shattered soul and sword to accompany him.

Somewhere deep inside I do wonder what did Xue Yang face to become this way.
Let's not venture too much into it, even if he did suffer I cannot bring myself to forgive him for his crimes against my innocent shishu.

The spirit that had us scouring everywhere for his dismembered and scattered pieces seems to be Former sect leader of Nie clan, Nie MingJue.
We have been going over the journey and collecting the body parts which someone oh so horribly chopped off his body.
So vile! So much hatred!
And I have started feeling like a jigsaw puzzle solver.

Lan Zhan's brother was called as soon as we determined the identity of the spirit at Mo manor.
And now he knows about me too.
Way to go!

By this point we have enough clues, be it the fighting style of the masked man which matched the styles of two different sects, the ones who said they killed A-Ning just to capture and experiment on him, to point to the direction of furthering the search.
But I had a feeling that this is not just a contemplation.

With this we reached our next destination, the koi tower. Land of the people in gold.

Such extravagance.

- In Chinese shishu means apprentice uncle, whereas in Hindi it means a child.

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