You were my mission

Start from the beginning

Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier, the traitor with all the skills I've been trained to acquire except there's an advantage I have double the serum he holds increasing my strength by a significant amount as well as greater agility and a higher ability to sneak, he should be easy to handle.

Captain America aka Steve Rogers god's righteous man, finally got his best friend back, the only thing between the two of them is Steve's shield and Bucky's metal arm however he can easily be taken down just like the traitor.

Wanda and Thor will be next, each holding high powers making this my greatest challenge. Wanda can warp and manipulate reality, Thor is the God of thunder however they can be taken down if I use all of my saved energy on knocking them out with my manipulation of darkness and shadows.

Then there's Iron Man also well known as Tony Stark the Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist. His suit and the energy it holds makes it difficult to take him down which is why he is best for last gives me more time to think of a viable plan to take him down.

Whether I want to kill them all yet I don't know but taking them down is my first priority, I haven't forgotten about Bruce Banner but he won't be an issue in here as he is on the jet located exactly 5 miles from our location giving me time to find and take him down afterwards.

With my plan fully set out I begin my mission.

I turn on my coms to a low volume just enough for me to hear and set it to their frequency and listen in on their conversation waiting for the right moments.

"Well there has to be something here Stark, we got the strongest signal we've seen in months!"

"Oh really Cap I hadn't noticed, I thought it was a pretty drawing someone did on the system."

"Don't get sarky with me now, we need to figure out what the hell is going on."

"And I'll be able to get another reading as soon as you stop pressuring me!"

"Well if you worked faster we wouldn't be taking so damn long! You're definitely not Howard that's for damn sure."

"You know what Cap I-"

"Both of you boys stop it right now! You're acting like children!"

"Cap started it."

"I don't care! I'm ending it! You Stark need to get another reading so zip it, you Captain are meant to be coming up with some clever idea like you always do not having a petty argument!"

"You're right Tasha, I'm sorry, now Stark have we got any progress on that reading?"

"We have now, this place is as big as a football pitch and there's a signal coming from everywhere but because of the where we are it's hard to pinpoint it's direct location."

"Alright, on that note it seems like our best bet is to split up and search, it will go a lot faster that way and we have our coms if we need to contact one another but only if we direly need to this place will echo like crazy so speaking isn't an option if someone or something is truly here. Everyone copy?"

I hear a chorus of agreement come from all the other members.

"Banner you standby in case of evac."

"Sure thing Cap."

"Okay everyone good luck and report if you find anything."

I watch as each of them moves from one another each in their own direction, carefully and swiftly I locate Black Widow and begin to follow her path of movement while remaining up high. Staying hidden by the shadows I get just far enough ahead of her and quickly raise and ready my rifle with a strong tranquilizer loaded, I look through the lens of my gun and wait for her to come into my line of shot. Once she is perfectly aligned with my shot I shoot, the sound being almost deadly silent I watch the tranquilizer imbed itself into the skin on her neck and before she can even look she's out like a light. That's one.

Let Me Struggle With You | Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now