"I don't think it will come to that," Lara said into the silence and then very carefully looked around the room to catch each woman's eyes. "We've all trained to be the best security force we can be, and if something happened, we could totally handle it," she explained, eliciting a few small smiles.

"But I'm fairly confident it won't happen," said Lara and Ginny chose to speak next.

"Seokjin will be staying here while the guys run the mission. He's needed more in the control center than they'd ever need him on the ground. While he's doing that, we'll be using Yoongi's office as the backup," Ginny said to Blair's surprise. Then wanted to smack her forehead.

Namjoon had said Yoongi was second in command, of course they'd use his office.

Blair nearly agreed before Darcy spoke up.

"I think by now, we all realize that you've paired back into your original duo's, intentionally or not," she said with a smile of apology to Ginny.

Blair froze, and she felt Lara stiffen beside her, but Ginny just shrugged and offered a sickly smile to Darcy, who nodded once more.

"It wasn't intentional, but I think weirdly, it's going to be a good thing, because we've all spent time with the guys in their spaces now," Ava spoke up and got nods from the others.

"I think it means that we have more knowledge of the Tower, because of it," she said and got a slow nod of agreement from Darcy. Ava turned to Lara and Blair and explained.

"I'm not saying we have the Tower covered basement to rooftop, but there's a reason the eight of you were already paired off. There's a reason Darcy and Jimin dance so well together," she said, and Blair noticed with amusement Darcy's blush. Apparently, old crushes never die, Blair thought with amusement as she turned back to Ava.

"I mean, even Tae and I, who I didn't think had anything in common, actually have turned out to be able to have conversations about everything," she said, and the comment made Lara smile a little.

"We've known Tae for years now, he was friends with Kookie even before college. Tae could talk to a rock and make a new friend. In fact, he probably has at a few points," she said to the general laughter of the group. "But you don't just mean that you LIKE like him," she asked to Ava.

Ava who blushed before shaking her head slightly.

"No. I mean well yes a little, but that's not what I meant," she stammered, and Darcy leaned over to give her sister a little shoulder hug.

Ava looked up to the group and smiled a little.

"I mean we don't have to huddle up in one office, in fact we shouldn't," she said, and Lara sat back a little.

"Explain," requested Lara and Ava nodded again.

"When Darcy said we had knowledge of the Tower, she means it's because you guys, again whether intentionally or not, match your old partners. Paige and Hoseok, Ginny and Seokjin, Darcy and Jimin," Ava said as she turned to Lara and Blair.

"Certainly, you and Blair both match the talents of your guys. Not exactly, but enough to know how to handle anything that comes up," Ava said, and Lara sat back in thought.

"What about you Ava? Where do you see yourself in this," Blair asked. She was curious because everyone else had the benefit of knowing most of the guys, but she hadn't thought Ava and Taehyung were that close. Ava and any guy at all, Blair mentally corrected herself. She couldn't remember Ava talking about a guy at all in the years they'd known each other.

Blair glanced at Darcy, who was watching her sister with an appraising eye and wondered if Darcy was having her thoughts run along similar lines.

"I'm the Sentinel man of all work," said Ava and Paige grinned a little. "I can handle all the weapons we normally operate with, and all the driving. I work with each of you to coordinate our ops and Lara and Blair, you are excellent at finding me a spot to cover that needs it," Ava explained and got heads nodding.

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