Welcome to the Tower

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~2 Days ago~

Blair felt on top of the world.

She and her sisters, with the help of Yoongi and the rest of Bangtan had successfully escaped the crazy job that her father had talked them into with the Russians, and as she emerged from the car into what seemed to be the Bangtan garage, she realized that the adrenaline that had kept her so busy during the shootout at the warehouse, was still going on.

She needed an outlet for that, and knew what she wanted it to be, but after ten straight minutes of non-stop arguing in the car, she wasn't sure it was something that Yoongi was that interested in.

"Elevator is this way," he mumbled as he stepped from the vehicle and Blair sighed a little as she followed him into the elevator behind the rest of their friends and the client.

"I don't know why you're being such a grump Yoongles. It's not like this was my choice to take that job," she whispered.

She watched as he spun to face her, eyes hot and furious before he closed them again. Blair watched as Yoongi took a deep breath, then opened his eyes again to speak, and she was disappointed a little, to see that the emotion that had been so prevalent just a moment before was buried again.

What had happened in the last five years?

"You almost got killed. A lot of people nearly died, Blair. In fact, I had to shoot a bunch of people to get us all out of there. That is a shit ton of paperwork, to deal with all those bad guys," he said tonelessly, and Blair rolled her eyes.

"It's my fault that you have to do paperwork now," she questioned and before Yoongi could respond, Lara spun around.

"You can kiss and make up in a little bit, I swear to God. But can you two give it a rest for twenty minutes while we start to sort shit out," Lara asked plaintively, and Blair flushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry Lara," she said ducking her head a little.

Yoongi glanced at Namjoon, who had fixed Yoongi with a look of his own until Yoongi shrugged.

"Nothing we can't talk about in a bit. It's closing in on three am though, anyone hungry," Yoongi asked, and Lara and Blair shook their heads no, but Jimin, Darcy and Lisa all tentatively raised their hands. Yoongi smiled and nodded.

"Alright, let's see what's in the kitchen," he said as the elevator rolled to a stop. Yoongi pushed the service gate up and walked into the room, Namjoon and Jimin following, but Lara, Darcy, Blair, and Lisa all stared.

Blair heard the client mumble something about how the building had looked outside, and heard Lara's laughter in response, but she was still struggling to keep up. The building had looked like it was about to fall down, certainly fall apart, but Blair wasn't so sure now that she looked around the room.

She glanced to Yoongi, who once he figured out she wasn't following him, turned to see her friends gaping at the room. Yoongi let loose a smirk, so reminiscent of his old self that Blair nearly snorted in disbelief.

Huffing, she grabbed Lara's hand to drag her into the room. They could show these men, who were so familiar to them so many years ago, that they were still up to whatever challenge could be thrown at them.

Blair watched as Darcy and Jungkook's friend Jimin helped the client after she started crying and got her settled into a small sitting area. She saw Lara was safely in the hands of JK and then leaned against the counter behind where Yoongi was getting ready to prep food, and watched Lara and Namjoon try not to stare at each other.

Blair started humming under her breath, involved in watching the scene in front of her, until she felt the weight of a hand against her hip. Shifting slightly, in a pattern so familiar she didn't even recognize she was doing it, Blair shifted until she was leaning back against Yoongi's shoulder as he moved behind her.

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