It's too much

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Blair followed Yoongi as he headed up the back stairwell towards his own office. Blair had been there only briefly, they had actually spent more time in the Tower's kitchen area than anywhere else so far, and Blair hoped they could get a little bit of time to settle things before Yoongi had to focus on leaving for the op.

The information continued to come in fast and heavy, and Blair felt the desperate urge to just go sit and think. Again. She knew this was her normal reaction coupled with her reaction to knowing her dad was missing, so she didn't try to fight against the feelings.

But she did wish desperately that she could catch her breath.

Yoongi walked into his office on the floor he shared with Namjoon and Jungkook, let Blair file past him, then shut the door and spun the lock. He brushed past Blair and walked towards the workstation that took the entire front portion of his desk and hit a few keys. As Blair looked up as she heard the snick of the lock, she watched the windows blur from clear to opaque, and then turned just in time to see Yoongi stalking back towards her.

"What's up," she asked but he took her hands in his and drew her into his arms, until her head was against his neck.

"Breathe baby," he whispered into her hair and for a moment Blair struggled to puzzle out what he was saying. Then realized that her overthinking had worked her into such a state, that she was very, very, close to hyperventilating. Something that hadn't happened in a very long time now.

Her arounds around Yoongi's waist tightened until she could feel the fabric of his shirt crumple in her hands. She breathed in the scent of him, so familiar to her and willed her body to calm itself, but thoughts kept intruding.

"My dad's missing, my mom's in another country. Someone tried to shoot my best friend, and, and..." she tried to bite off the last part before it escaped her lips.

She felt Yoongi chuckle a little and drew back enough to glare at him.

She watched the smile bloom across his face and his hands came up to frame her face.

"I was going to say that people were shooting back at you, but realized that probably wasn't what was upsetting you," he said.

Yoongi leaned into her space, and Blair eagerly tugged him closer until their lips met again. Yoongi had meant a soft reassuring kiss, but the instant his lips found Blair, he knew that wasn't what she was looking for right now. Her kiss set everything inside him on fire, in the best possible of ways and he did his best to make sure she felt the exact same way about him.

Yoongi walked them back towards the small couch he had in this office and spun until he sat down first, dragging Blair down into his lap as he sat. Never breaking their kiss, never letting her up. They both needed this time together. More than he'd thought they would have, even after so many years apart.

All Blair's plans for discussion with Yoongi went out the window with his kiss. It was as if he couldn't get enough of her, and that was all right with Blair for now. She happily focused everything on him. How his shirt felt under her fingers until she dragged it out from where he'd tucked it into his pants and her fingers were able to play over the skin of his back.

Be Nice, Play Naughty - MYG FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora