XXIV | Frozer

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There was a civilian in danger from a sky gliding kite. You and Ladybug had been called to help said civilian. Ladybug grabbed the civilian, taking him to safety, while you caught the bouquet he'd dropped. He looked obviously shaken up, sitting on his knees. "You should take the elevator next time!" You joked.

Ladybug raised her fist to meet yours. "Pound it!"

"My deltaplane express delivery wasn't the best idea." He laughed. You handed him his bouquet, sneaking out a single rose. "Don't forget your bouquet!" He nodded. "Ah, thank you, Catwoman." He walked away towards the exit. "Be careful on your way down!"

"M'lady." You held out the rose, offering it to her. "Catwoman." Ladybug smiled, a light tint of blush covering her cheek. "You're too sweet." Ladybug gently took the rose from you, turning away. "Anything for you, Ladybug" You winked.

Ladybug let out a quiet laugh, throwing her yoyo. "I'll see you later, Catwoman." You extended your staff going back home.

The next morning you were speed walking to school, wanting to have enough time to relax before class starts. You entered the school, Adrien having ran up to you pulling you to a bench. "[Y/N]. I need to talk to you. It's important."

You gave him a concerned look. "What's wrong, Adrien?" He sighed, sitting back against the bench. "It's about Kagami. I... I wanna make a move on her, but I don't know what to do, or where to start." You smirked. "Ohh, so you're having girl problems."

"I'm not the only one having girl problems." Adrien raised a brow at you. You made a sour face looking away. "And to think I was gonna help you." You crossed your arms.

"Fine. I'm sorry." Adrien fake apologized. "You should take Kagami to the ice rink." You suggested. "I think it would be a good bonding experience." You winked, making a heart with your hands.

"The ice rink? Just me and Kagami?" Adrien looked worried, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, if you aren't exactly comfortable being alone with her just yet, then I can go with." Adrien's face lit up. "Would you?"

"Sure! I want you do have a good time on your first date!" You teased. A smirk returned on Adrien's face. "You could invite Marinette."

You looked around finding Marinette sitting with Alya and Nino. "Yeah, I will." You decided.

"Perfect, then."

You stood up casually walking over to Marinette. Her face brightens seeing you, obviously slightly tired of being the third wheel to Alya and Nino. You took the seat by the edge, becoming increasingly nervous. "Hey, Marinette!"

"H-hi, [Y/N]!" Marinette waved. "Um, I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow? Adrien is going to the ice rink with someone and invited me. I want to invite you."

Marinette's lips parted. "L-like a date?" Marinette questioned, her face blooming red.

"It c-can be a date! If you want it to be... it can be like our first date too." You bit the inside of your cheek in anticipation, waiting for Marinette's answer. Marinette let out a heavy breath, tilting her head down with a big smile. "Yes, I'd love to go with you!"

Alya whipped her head around gasping dramatically. " You guys are dating now?!" She quickly slipped out her phone taking a picture of you two without letting either of you respond. The picture had only caught you with your mouth partly open looking wide eyed at the camera, on the Martinette were still looking at you dreamingly. "Sorry, to disappoint, Alya, but we aren't officially dating, yet." Alya squinted her eyes at you mouthing. "Yet?" So marinette couldn't see. You only shrugged standing back up. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Marinette." You walked away waving at the three, giving Adrien a thumbs up.

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