Chapter 1

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As a twenty-two year old women, who lost her virginity at seventeen, I know what I like when it comes to sex. Vanilla is great, can even be amazing in certain circumstances. Especially, the long slow kisses, prolonged deep eye contact and the holding onto each other for dear life. But, do you know what is also great, being dominated, tied up, spanked, used, spat on. And a new kink, which I have honestly just discovered today, that has my mind hazy with lust - public exhibitionism. How did I find this out? Well, I'm finding it out, right now, as I dance in the middle of a busy club dance floor, the man behind me has his fingers deep inside me, and the people around me are none the wiser, or they know exactly what is happening and honestly that turns me on even more.

Public sex - not something I had ever done before, but fuck, this man had barely touched me and I was about to come, so either he had magic fingers or I am really into public exhibitionism. The man very well could have magic fingers, I wouldn't know, I just met him at the bar twenty minutes ago.

After the trauma of my last boyfriend, I was officially in my hoe phase, and what better way was there to spend your twenties that sleeping with as many people as possible, exploring your sexuality - which by the way was apparently pretty fluid - and exploring what you like sexually.

I normally wouldn't advocate letting a man put his hand up my dress, having just met, because men are trash and I don't need him thinking he can do this to all women. But fuck. This guy said like two words to me and I was wet, and apparently he wanted to please me, so who was I to stop him.

This man, who did not know me, and did not know my body, somehow knew who to play me like a violin. He was an expert. He knew exactly where to touch me that had me falling apart. Automatically curling his fingers against my g-spot and pressing the heel of his palm into my clit. He also knew exactly what dirty things to whisper right by my ear.

"That's right sweetheart. Come all over my fingers like a good little girl." And fuck did I. He just had one of those voices, deep and gravelly, that had my body automatically obeying. My knees buckled and if it wasn't for his arm like a vice around my waist, I would be on the floor. He spun me around to face him and kissed me like I'd never been kissed before, so domineering and possessive. He was everywhere. "So angelic when you come." He brushed my hair behind my ear, staring into my soul. "Such a good little girl, coming with all these people watching." I should be embarrassed, ashamed, that I just did something so sexual in the middle of a dance floor with an absolute stranger. But I had never felt more alive.

"Holy fuck." I finally said, when I was able to speak again. "I need your number, because I want more of that."

"Oh sweetheart, we are not done now."


"Really." He gave me the most devilish smirk and kissed me again. "Back to mine?" A spike of anxiety shot through me. It was always difficult to decide where you took a one night stand. If I took him back to mind I'd be more comfortable and it'd be easier to kick him out when I was done with him. But then he would also know where I lived. And that was very dangerous if he turned out to be a psycho serial killer or stalker. But going back to his was also dangerous. Who knew where he lived. What if he tied me up and locked me in his basement? "We can go back to yours," He said, somehow able to read my mind. "But trust me when I say we will have more fun at mine."

"Let's go have fun then."

Curiosity killed the cat, but what I bet you didn't know is that satisfaction brought it back. And boy did I know I would be satisfied after a night with this man. So I let him lead me out of the club. I sent a quick text to my friend Ivy, who was probably hooking up with a guy in the bathroom at this point, and shared my location with her for safety. But I wasn't getting any bad vibes off this guy. I mean sure when I first saw him at the bar he looked intimidating as hell, but that was just because he was so hot, looking like sin and staring at me like he was going to eat me alive.

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