🐍Green day🐍

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"Damn it..." I say as I see all the notes written on my school locker, they really didn't hold back one bit. At least they were creative.

"Burning pile of gum wit's pussy...well that's new" I smile and get my sharpie out.

"Hey Ji" a voice calls me and I turn around slightly, writting on my own locker.

"Hey Hyunjin, what's up?"

"Well i was just wondering...eh- what are you doing?" He looks at me and tilts his head, confused.

"Someone wrote 'whore' without the H so I'm correcting it...anyway, what did you want to say?" I turn to him and he was blushing, holding the hem of his shirt like his life depended on it.

"Well I...this is embarrassing but" he trailed off for a second before finally looking at me. "You're friends with Minho right...? Maybe more then friends?"

"I guess you could say that, why?"

"Well i just wanted to know how serious it was...I was planning on asking him to prom for the end of the year..." he smiled to himself and I froze. If Minho has a boyfriend then he won't have time for me, my one reliable source will vanish in thin air...shit shit shit.

"That's a big step" is all I managed to say and he blushed, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, it's really out of my comfort zone...so can I ask him out?"

"I-...yeah...go ahead" Ok...I'm a dick but im not that bad.

"Great! I'll see you around school man"

"Yeah, good luck!" I wave him off and turn back to my locker, my fingers crawling on the metal and closing it. This feeling again, it's back and it feels like it's tearing me from the inside.

I leave my locker with a dizzy head and try to find someone, anyone who would.

My body sort of shifts and I end up in a classroom, empty, aside from one person.

"Jisung? Are you alright, you seem sick"

"I'm alright M.Pin" I said and tried to head out but my body wasn't moving, my hands betrayed me and they closed the door before I could get out. I turn around and stare at him...this is such a stupid idea.

"Do you want to sit down? Have a chat?" He seemed with such pure intentions, but my body had other plans and my mind was too busy panicking to realize what I was doing.

"Sure..." I say and close my eyes. Next thing I know, it's too late to turn back.


I swallow an Advil and wait for the pain to diminish. My back always hurt but now it did even more, I have been a lot worst lately.

You see, it's a bit like drugs. You start small, it feels great, so after a while you do it harder to feel that same buzz as the first time...and it tricks you into doing worst and worst. Just like me with my addiction.

Speaking of drogues...I do those too, just not as much. My mind is spiralling and I need to calm it down so I roll up a joint and flame the other end, putting it to my lips. I feel it burn a bit and then it hits my head, I feel dizzy and calm again.

Did I mention I have anxiety too? Yeah, it doesn't help this whole thing, so right now I'm in heaven.

I sit on my bed and get up suddenly, grabbing a jacket and putting it above my head, one arm at the time. The drogues are making me giggle slightly.

There was no plan, I just wanted to go outside and take some fresh air.

I walk subconsciously in the streets, I can barely even read what the names of the streets are. I'm probably lost but I don't care right now.

It's then that I cross this dark alleyway, the same as the past two days...but this time there is nothing to stop me. I move forward without another thought and walk directly inside this dark void. It gets even more obscure when I take a few steps in, I can feel my skin crawling on itself, but I kept going.

I can see my sharp breath in front of my eyes, I didn't even realize how cold it was.

"Are you lost...?" A deep voice called from the dark, sending panic crawl on my back. I turn slightly and see a shadow standing not too far. "You seem lost" it continues.

"No." I reply shortly and try and make-out the shape that was speaking to me.

"Nobody ever comes by these parts...so tell me why you are here..." he sounded so fresh and luring. I was high, he could probably tell too.

"I needed some fresh air, that's all-"

I stopped mid sentence.

It's this scent again, it's so strong here, god how it smells good. I lose my thoughts as I'm indulged in this essence, the man moves a bit closer, but I still can't see him.

"Everyone comes here for a reason...money, love, faith...pain. What is yours?" I felt as if I was drowning in his voice, the current taking me away.

"Is boredom a good enough reason?" I raise a brow and he laughs, he sound so good when he does. This is dangerous...and I know that.

Run, just run away. That's what I'm telling myself right now but I'm not moving.

"It can be...is that all?"

"Y-yeah" great, a stutter.

He sensed this easily, I felt like he was reading every muscle in my body and picking it piece by piece, searching.

"You intrigue me, do you get that often?"

I didn't reply, my lips were sealed shut and I got this urge again. His voice was disturbing any common sense in my body.

"Are you scared of me...?" He said when I didn't reply.

he moved quickly and before I could react he had put something on my mouth. I grabbed his shirt to fight him off but soon I couldn't feel my hands.

"Let's make it easy for the both of us...relax your body and keep a steady breath " he said calmly and I fell to the ground, my eyes closed and I felt the cold ciment on my back.

I'm screaming at myself to fight, to get up and run but I simply can't move a muscle. He takes me gently and checks my temperature quickly.

I fell unconscious that very moment.

The very last thing I remember...

Is this amazing smell.

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