X I. Our freedom.

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Hinata was woken up by a light. It was subtle, yet as she was coming back to her senses, it was the only thing she found to see through a thick layers of dressings. What was going on? Where she was? The breath fastened, but soon calmed down as the familiar smell reached her. The bandages covering the eyes were soaked in the well-known medicament, used for curing effects of overworking kekkai genkai. Also, the variety of other, less pleasant scents and sounds ensured her of two things.

She was at hospital.

They won.

Tears filled her eyelids. They managed to leave that hell alive and now - they were safe.

But if so...

Where was Sasuke?

Her moves were rapid, too rapid for her condition, what soon she realized. The pain flooded almost every inch of the tornamented body, a silent cry left girl's awfully dry lips. But, what else the woman could expect? She almost died that night. And he...

Hyuga didn't wait long to hear the familiar voice:

- I hear you're finally awake, Hina.

It was him...

- Sasuke...

She said almost whispering, but eventually someone walked inside before she could tell anything else. A sound of heels sounded between beeping of hospital equipment, just like Q light, femine humming. After approaching, a sudden guest spoke:

" I'm glad to see you finally awake, miss Hyuga. We managed to stabilize your condition, yet, you slept almost a week, three days longer than your companion. Let me see... " - Hinata could hear the woman flip through papers, surely including the treatment she had already recieved. - " Hmm... I can already see the improvement, your wounds heal fastly, around two weeks we'll also remove you the bandages from eyes." - the woman stopped for a moment. - " But, you won't leave this place that soon. Ten broken bones, second-degree burns... Yare, yare. " - the doctor came closer to Hinata's bed. - " It will pass some time before you stand from your beds. But for now, as you are finally awake, we'll take yo... "

" No! " - Suddenly, Sasuke growled from his bed.

" Don't interrupt me, Uchiha!" - the doctor scolded him, then sighed. - " As I wanted to say, we have to take your blood sample for more tests and change the dressings. Nurse, now! "

The woman shouted and soon, another person ran to the room.

" Yes, Tsunade-sama? " - the nurse asked, breathing heavily.

" Prepare miss Hyuga for the blood collection. " - Tsunade ordered. - " Then, we'll check their wounds. "

" H-Hai! "

" Better be careful with her. " - Sasuke added in threatening manner.

The nurse nodded and measuring every step, she approached laying on a hospital bed Hinata, who didn't react on the pain coming with her actions. Hyuga hairess was deeply in thoughts, waiting for women to leave. She needed to talk with Sasuke. Everything around felt right, but confusing at the same time. Like she missed something, something important. Also... Things changed as they were finally free, making Hinata happy and worry atthe same time. She knew that the only person, who could help her was Sasuke.

After an hour, Tsunade and the nurse finally left the room. As the sounds of their steps were disappearing, the man sighed.

- I thought they'll never leave. - he started. - How do you feel, Hina?

- I've been better. How about you?

- Hn, me too. - After a moment of thinking, Uchiha decided to mention. - That night...

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