X. The last show - the world on fire.

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What was done cannot been undone. The past cannot be changed. The spreaded fire cannot be stopped. Not the fire lightening the hearts of oppressed.

Even if whole the young spirit wanted to act now, they had to trust her. That was the condition - to wait for a sign. They weren't just simple warriors. They were shinobi. Hidden in shadow, melted in crowd. Waiting for the best opportunity to deliver the mortal blow. That was how the biggest predators acted. But they were more than just animals. The tiger kept in a cage would attack as soon as It would break free. No matter how much they wanted to do the same, they couldn't.

Hinata asked for much. Why would they go on the stage and be humiliated again if they could just give the battle or run away earlier? But, everything was about the trust. It was hard, but things she said made them believe that they are not alone in that fight. Not anymore.

Naruto couldn't stand the view of his own reflection in a mirror. He hated the fact that he had to endure it again. That was enough. There was no way to describe how much he wanted to go there and fight them now. But, the man made the promise and the given word was more important than anything.

Just one show. The last one.

He felt friend's presence faster than he saw him. Sasuke. He was standing in the corner, all prepared for what was about to begin. Naruto smiled as he turned to face him.

" So, that's tonight. I've been waiting for it so long, dattebayo. "

" Hn, me too. " - Sasuke responded, but his thoughts were somewhere else. It took him a moment to say. - " Naruto, If... If anything happen to me tonight... Take care of her. You're the only one I can trust. "

Uzumaki wanted to give some reassuring, positive response, but hesitated seing friend's serious expression. He approached Uchiha, who looked into his eyes the whole time. He hated such vision, but he needed to know. He needed to know that she will have the chance to be happy again. Sasuke believed that could happen with Naruto by her side.

" I promise you that, my friend. But I won't let any of you die tonight. "

" Thank you. " - Sasuke said, feeling a lot calmer. - " Don't act stupid. We need you. "

" I don't doubt it, I will do my best as future uncle Naruto."

The blonde man said with cheerful smile, making Sasuke's face even paler. But then, on his lips showed a smirk.

" Hn, there can be only one such dobe uncle. "

" Teme!! " - Naruto shouted.

Then, the bell rang and both of them knew what did it mean.

It was the time.


The tension had never been so hard to endure.

They were standing in rows, waiting for their time.

Just one performance took them from the awaited freedom.

The troupe members dissapeared behind the curtain, where standed stairs for the stage. The last sacrifice.

They didn't know what would happen next, not even Sasuke or Hinata.

Before Uchiha went for the stage, she had founded his gaze, but... It was different than the one she met earlier that night. There was no fear in these eyes. Not anymore. Hyuga didn't know what changed, but she was glad to see that. It also calmed her down. They were ready to face what would be next.

The lights almost blinded him as Uchiha entered the stage. Not for long.

Suddenly, all lamps turned off and darkness spreaded through the tent. People started whispering, some of them complained of disappointment.

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