I X. Clues. Snakes. Confessions.

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— Bloody Itachi... He could be more precise sometimes.

Uchiha couldn't stop thinking about the message. They managed to figure out some of the clues, but these were still only clues, not the specific informations. What did they plan? What would be happening? Sasuke cursed himself for getting into that mess. Did he make the right decision?

" Trying is better than doing nothing. And even if it's only a faint hope, It's still better than none. If there is any chance that we'll get out of here alive - I will fight for it. Even if only one person would manage to live their happy life later, It would be worth it. "

Hinata's words touched some unknown string inside him. Of course, Uchiha hadn't become an altruist on the level of hokage day by day, but It surely made him think. No matter how tempting was just going to her caravan at night and running to the forrest immediately, the vision of saving more lives was more significant thing. For Hyuga especially. Sometimes he wished she wasn't so selfless, thought about herself more. But, she was Hyuga Hinata and being selfish had never been her kind of thing. Maybe that was one of the reasons why he admired her so much. She was ready to sacrifice everything to protect ones she cared about, just like him.

Hinata. He was almost irritated that she was again in his thoughts, making the heartbeat even faster. Sasuke moved nervously, missing the times spent together in their caravans. Even the beds felt more comfortable, when she was laying by his side. But even during her sleep, Hinata wasn't peaceful, sometimes even shook inside the embrance. He didn't want that. She deserved a home, a soft bed and warm sheets, the safety. She deserved the best, but these cruel times let him only make wishes. In his dreams they would spend nights on making love and then would wake up lately, debating who would make breakfast that time. Their days would be long and calm, he would help her in the garden and... That would be perfect.

Sasuke would never expect himself to have dreams like that. Uchiha living peacefully. Who could expect that? The past of his clan was filled with constant fights, if not with other clans, then with each other. Their past took thousands of lifes. But Sasuke... He felt that with her It would be possible.


Next weeks hadn't been much different than others. Nishimura was constantly under pressure, he even stopped pretending before shinobi. On eyes of everyone he scrolled down own guards, even beated them for smallest shortcomings. The air was thick from the tension, noone dared to step from a row, afraid of consequences.

Hinata from time to time used to send him soft smiles, only when she was sure that nobody was watching. Then, he would just lightly nodd and the shadow of smile was present under his indifferent mask. Each time her thoughts drifted away, just counting days. She couldn't help the longing hurting from inside, longing for time they would be finally free.

Freedom. Through these all years of slavery Byakugan princess almost forgot how it tasted like. In the past, she wouldn't even think of how lucky she was then. Her heart twisted remembering the days, when she would have walks, train, eat, sleep, do anything she wanted without the fear of her own life. Hinata knew that for such days she had to wait much longer, but these would come. And they would never have to live in fear again.


Two days.

Two days took them to the next show.

Two days to fight their freedom.

Her freedom.

That thought helped him move trembling from pain muscles, grit teeth, clench fists. Set mind free. Sasuke could endure, could survive.

He came to the snake's tent by himself. The stink of dirt drenched in the hot air, almost choking him, but the face remained indifferent. Uchiha came deeper into the tent, where even the light couldn't reach. With one, strong movement he threw the material from huge, glass cage, making all present snakes hiss. The great, big snake was laying curled inside. Without a hurry It rose the head. It's big, green eyes sparkled in the dark, looking at Uchiha with curiosity. Hiroto spoke:

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