V I I I. The night of words.

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" The guards were sent to look for Goro and his team. When we arrived... It was inhuman. It looked like some beast got there, Nishimura-sama. The blood was everywhere - on the ground, on walls... "
The old man was about to loose his patience. In two days he lost most of 1
the sponsors, his best, five men were found dead and noone dared to tell him about Goro. He knew that the boy was still young and had an obsession of that Hyuga girl, but he had big plans for him.
Circus owner suspected that for both of these miseries were responsible the same man - the gentleman with a moonstone ring. His men were searching for him, but the contact with them were cut from unknown to him reasons. So many unknown... He was infuriated.
" Nishimura-sama... Goro is alive, but..."
" But what? " — Fuji couldn't hide the irritation.
" He was tortured. They blinded him and cut off the tongue. And his hands... I've never seen anything like that. " — the young guard said, ready to hear man's shouting.
But the circus owner remained silent. His old, small eyes were clouded by rage. He knew it was his time to respond.
Sasuke and Hinata were taken back to the camp. Since guards' arrival they hadn't even change a word. Everyone looked at them with mixed feelings. They might had suspected something, but done nothing. There was no proof against the shinobi, the blood on their clothing wasn't an unusual thing on witnesses. The shinobi seemed weak and the draining bracelets made them unable to do such thing. But, they were wrong.
Sasuke insisted on killing Goro, but Hinata stopped him in time.
"After all he'd done, he... Deserves to live like this."
Again, she was right. What they had done was a huge thing, not planned at all. In that all mess, Hinata tried not to judge, but to understand him. All he had done that to protect her - these people had hurt her many times and didn't deserve the mercy. Of course, she would act differently that moment, but the guards were dead. Sasuke promised to protect her and he did, on his own, twisted way.
They thought about leaving immediately, running away together. It was the perfect occasion. But what next? Where would they go? What would happen to them? They had the camp to set free and knew that without them the plan wouldn't work. Also, If they would leave, the guards could find them by trackers in the braclets. But, staying they would see that their actions were just the beginning. Even if someone worse than Goro would come, that person had just few days of residence. Because later, they would be free again. Convinced by that perspective, they stayed.
As they expected, the circus owner came by himself to watch over the situation. He couldn't find anyone on nephew's place. But that didn't make things easier. Shinobi had to watch their every step not to bring any suspicions. Hinata and Sasuke decided not to see each other for awhile. Two weeks pasted without any contact, even a look. They had to. But one day, she left him a message to meet in the forrest to find the message from Itachi.
Finally, Hinata arrived at the place mentioned in the note.
— You are late, Hina. — Sasuke suddenly moved between the trees like a shadow, but it wasn't a surprise for her.
— I'm sorry, Sasuke. Something stopped me in the meantime. — she answered, bowing before him lightly.
— Hn. — He got lost in thoughts, playing with strands of her navy blue hair. When their eyes met, Uchiha asked. — Are you alright?
His warm hand landed on her cheek, the girl smiled on that little act of care.
— Akari-chan insisted on checking my hand before sleep. She can be very stubborn sometimes.
— Hn. Good enough, but still...
Sasuke came closer and his handsome features were enlightened by the shine of full moon. She also noticed how exhausted he was - nowadays Nishimura showed no mercy to them. But Uchiha's dark eyes were filled with longing, so intense and intimate that noone could suspect him to even possess. That side of him were dedicated only to her. Hinata tilted her head to meet his lips. The kiss they shared had no sign of hurry, it had grown slowly until the hunger took over and only the need of air could separate them. His hands landed on her sides, softly stroking the skin through clothes. Oh, how he missed that herbal scent of his beloved one, the softness of her body and...
— I've missed you, hime. — he whispered to her ear, she shivered under his hot breath and low tone of voice.
Hinata said his name in the way that Uchiha's heart trembled in chest. Her hands traveled through his arms, feeling the curved muscles under touch. Sasuke wasn't unhealthily thin anymore, also became stronger since Nishimura had brought him to the circus. He also seemed more... alive and the gaze weren't as indifferent as then. Byakugan princess was glad to see that.
Suddenly, something in Hinata's eyes changed. Like a wave, hesitation faded gaze of pale lavender eyes, just like a blush she had on cheeks. Uchiha watched her carefully, trying to find any reason of that change. His hand softly carrased her dark hair, he frowned asking:
— What's wrong?
She looked at him, taken back from thoughts. The gaze of these black eyes could easily dart to mind, read like a book... But Hinata was a mistery to him. The rosy lips trembled, she tried to find proper words. But as close the time of freedom came, more worries and hesitations Hinata had faced. The idea of breaking free was a beautiful thing, but what next? How could they be happy again? How to live, when for years all they had seen was death? The girl sighed deeply, her quiet voice was shaking as she said:
— I just... Want this to end. To leave no sign after this cursed place and try to... Live. Again. But... I-It scares me, Sasuke-kun... I... I...
In one moment Hinata was caged in warm embrace of his strong arms. She didn't know when she started to cry. It made the last Hyuga heiress feel ashamed, weak and exposed. But... It was Sasuke - the cold, aloof to everyone, but not to her. In moments like that Hinata felt that she didn't deserve someone like him. Soft strokes of his hands calmed Hyuga down, like a touch of the guardian angel. Her dark, guardian angel.
With one, smooth movement Sasuke lifted her chin to have a look. Even with her eyes puffy from tears, with the mess she turned... He couldn't help the admiration. The man knew that he was ready to fight any obstacle, even burn the whole world to make Hinata happy again. Because that's how sons of Uchiha loved.
— Don't worry about it, Hinata. I'll do anything to give you a happy life.
Hinata's palm landed on the side of his face, softly carresing the cheek.
— Sasuke, just... Please, be careful.
They didn't have much time. The message was left on the other edge of forest, both of them left after the sunset. Till the morning took them few hours and the nights spent between woods weren't safe ones. Hinata was leading Uchiha to that place, careful and cautious of any smallest sound.
The night wind blowed lightly on their faces with each jump from branch to branch. Sasuke hadn't moved that way for very long, that was how shinobi could travel faster. But, he didn't think about it more, focused on what they had to do. The message surely included the plans and orders, which musn't fall to the wrong hands.
Eventually, Hinata landed gracefully on the ground and the man followed. They looked at each other, she nodded. There it was. Swiftly, the woman brushed the fallen leaves from her way. Sasuke frowned, he was about to ask if she hadn't made mistake, but then her fingers suddenly stopped.
A small, old box. It looked like many other ordinary boxes Sasuke saw on flea markets. But then, he felt a weird, but familiar feeling coming from this.
Chakra. Only people, who were skilled in controling it could open that box. Ready, she closed her eyes, but suddenly:
" Not so fast. "
Sasuke cursed in thoughts, turning to the person behind them. He knew that voice. Firm, but with hearable shaking, surely femine. His practiced actions were faster than wind - he jumped to the unknown woman and pressed to next tree, with hands pressing her throat and his Sharingan activated. The small body twisted, she tried to relieve from Uchiha's firm grib. Hinata approached them carefully, then with eyes wide open she said:
" Akari-chan? You can put her down, Sasuke. "
" She followed us here, I don't trust her. " — He responded, still looking at fighting for breath pink haired girl.
" Let her explain herself. She probably has a good reason to be here. "
Uchiha looked at Hyuga with hesitation, batteling in thoughts. Hinata may had reasons to trust her, but he didn't. After a moment, Sasuke let the girl go. She coughted loudly, greedily inhaling oxygen. The pair of shinobi changed gazes again. He knew that after finding the place of delivering messages, the girl could betray and sing everything to Nishimura. She had the same on mind, but... Akari helped her in past and deserved to be heard.
" So? " — Sasuke asked in irritation, crossing arms on chest.
" I... I saw you leave to the forrest at night, Noa, couple of times, it's dangerous... " — The girl started, but quickly got interrupted by Uchiha.
" So what the hell got into you to follow her?! " — he growled at her.
" I was worried about you, Noa! " — she shouted with tears in eyes. — " You started disappearing, not telling anything! Everything changed, you changed! Because of him! " — Akari wanted to approach her, but Sasuke's Sharingan treated not to do that. — " Noa, please, don't let him wool over your eyes! He will use you and leave, like he always does! " — the girl fell on her knees before Hinata. — " I... I want you to know... I love you, Noa. All this time. And I don't want you to die because of him. "
After these words they remained silent. Hinata started to notice these little things, reactions that could lead her to that in time. She didn't know what to do. It was the first time, when someone had confessed to her. And It was also the first time, when she had to reject someone's feelings. Hyuga didn't want to lie Akari, didn't want to lie herself. Her heart belonged to somebody else. Maybe It was the truth, maybe Uchiha wooled over her eyes... Maybe she would die... But she was ready to face that. Because feelings to Sasuke were the most honest and beautiful of things that were given Hinata to feel. Because that helped her survive, made smile again. Even if these might not be returned, she didn't regret them.
But she knew. Felt with all body, all soul - his words were truth. His feelings were honest, he wouldn't leave. Not again. Never again. She saw that in his eyes many times, also that night. Hinata trusted him.
Hinata approached Akari and kneeled by her side. Cold, fine hands softly carresed pink hair in comforting manner. Sasuke watched how tender she was to the crying girl, how she cared about her. He had never witnessed something like that and was amazed by the woman he came to fall in love with. Delicate, caring, comforting. How could he deserve someone like her?
" Akari-chan... " — she started.
" Haruno Sakura. That's my real name. " — the pink hair shared to them, looking at the girl she loved.
" Sakura-chan... So pretty. " — Hinata smiled lightly, correcting herself. — " I will always respect you and care about you. But I can't give you that kind of love you need and deserve. You are a wonderful girl and surely there is someone, who can give you that. I'm wish you to find that person and be happy. I wish you that with all my heart, Sakura-chan. "
Byakugan princess softly kissed Sakura in her forehead and stood from knees. The girl wouldn't cause any more problems to them. Then she felt Uchiha's hand on tired shoulder. His gaze hid worry and admiration.
Sakura stood up and wiped tears from her face. After a few, deep breaths she decided to look at them. But there was nothing she expected to see. Haruno couldn't recognize in Sasuke the boy she had fallen in love with years ago. As he looked at Hinata, there was no coldness, no indifference in his gaze. In past, she would crave to recieve such gaze from him. But he looked that way at the woman she loved the most. How ironic it was - two people, whom she gave her heart to, fell in love with each other.
After a moment, Sakura said:
" Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what I saw. " — she turned to leave, but stopped and looked at Uchiha though shoulder. — " But If you hurt her... I'll find and kill you, Sasuke. "
After that promise, she jumped swiftly on tree branch and soon disappeared from their sight. Sasuke pulled Hinata closer, wrapped arms around her and laid chin on top of head. He couldn't get enough of the smell of midnight blue hair, for a moment their breaths were only sounds in forrest. But soon, he felt need to say:
— You did the right thing, Hina. And about what she said... I'm not gonna leave you, I promised you that. I always keep my word.
— I don't doubt in you, Sasuke-kun. I never did.
They stayed in comfortable embrace for some, unmeasured time. Somehow, her words had touched a sensitive string inside him. He swallowed loudly, trying to control emotions. Then, he whispered:
— Thank you, Hinata. For everything.
Eventually they opened the left between leaves box, revealing a scroll. He watched her each movement, couldn't help the impatience rasing inside him. A lot depended on what was written there, their life depended on that. As she broke the seal, they leaned over the words:
" Be prepared for the next show. The snake time. A fan's leg will slip, leave, free them and the summoning, change, be found in tent. The eye will be prepared for the show and take things from box. Use them wisely. Kill only in danger. Survive. "

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