I I I. Dream or reality?

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Sasuke screamed, sweat ran through his pale skin, tears rolled in the corners of eyelids. Fully focused on her job, she tried to ignore the full of pain sounds, wishing just to end it. Hinata did her best to relieve man's pain, but no medicaments, herbs or mixtures were strong enough. She could feel her heart tear apart in helplessness, but nothing on her face showed that. Voice of the girl was soft and calming, promising that everything would be over soon. A green light illuminated from her hands, salty drops ran through her face, showing how much will and strenght she had to use. There was no other way. Despite the numb feeling spreading through her body, Hinata kept going. She had too little chakra to fullfill her task. Hyuga girl had in mind that after such hard treatment always fell unconcious for two days, but she didn't stop. She couldn't just give up, leave him be, watching the old friend suffer. Even if It was like playing with death itself.

Hinata wasn't scared of death.

Everyday it hunted them, trying to capture using someone else's hands. She saw dogs ripping bodies apart, guards sending bullets or drowning slaves in a bucket of dirty, shower water, blood and insides staining hair and clothes, people falling lifeless on the ground. These scenes were hunting in dreams and reality, reminding that she could be them. Their faces twisted in pain asked 'why didn't you do anything?'. The feeling of guilt twisted her soul. Hinata couldn't count how many times she tried. She asked, pleaded, begged. It always finished the same - innocent people died on her eyes and she ended up beaten to unconsciousness for "disobedience". Everyone always watched her being humiliated, called her stupid for trying. She felt weak and pathetic, responsible for their death.

That's why she couldn't give up on Sasuke. Finally the boy opened for her, she couldn't afford loosing him again. Uchiha had to live and find happiness, he deserved it the most. She kept him deep in heart, he was the only one who probably cared about her in this world. Hyuga heiress watched her family dying, then she was taken away from own sister. Hanabi... She wasn't sure if she was still alive, but with passing years she lost hope to see her again... The girl hated herself for not being able to save younger sister then.
Hinata couldn't loose him too. She promised herself to protect Sasuke at all costs.

Hinata grited her teeth, as dizzy feeling spreaded through mind. She knew that her chakra was in short supply and soon the exhaustion would won over the strong will. She shook her head twice, the treatment was about to end.

— Hinata? — Sasuke asked, looking at her trembling palms and the sweat sticking bangs to her pretty, but unhealthily pale face.

— I-I'm alright, j-just a moment... — she responded quietly, trying to take control over her body reactions.

The wound got sealed, both parts of skin closed with a burning, red mark. She let hands go on sides and tired smile appeared on her pretty face. It was over. Suddenly, the tired body refused the obedience, dangerously leaning on one side. Hinata was ready for rough meeting the ground, when she felt hold of strong arms. Before her mind went blank, she heard:

Thank you, Hinata.


The sound of singing birds and quiet, rytmical breaths. The smell of dust, sweat, the scent of soap and other different, more timid and unique. The feeling of hard mattress, but somehow comfortable, warmer than anything. Every of these little things felt like the most pleasant things in the world, so close to perfection. Will to get closer, admire every piece of it, soaking that deep under skin was overhelming. A soft moan escaped lips, quiet and intimate one, so nicely fitting to them all. There was no rush to open eyes, find out the truth. The fingertips met delicacy, warmth and wettness, moving them slightly made that need stronger. Fingers wanted to analize every edge and curve, sweetly fitting and shivering under touch. To remember each of the valleys, each response, before they meet the reality.

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