I I. The memory of you.

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Her breath suddenly stopped, just like the heartbeat. The girl with navy blue hair was sure now. She faced the man, whom she used to know long ago. She recognized him at the moment, when their gazes crossed the first time.
Uchiha Sasuke. He was different than then, but that memory had never faded. The memory of the boy with dark, spiky hair, ivory skin, eyes in a colour of coal and smirk present on lips... The one, who lived in the neighbourhood, who used to be her only childhood friend, with whom she walked to the Academy. He was the one always the best in everything, the strongest and skillful, admired by everyone around. Uchiha Sasuke, one of the geniuses of their age. After all these years, he stood in front of her, now as a handsome, young man, able to claim any woman he would want. She easily noticed the changes in his appearance - the facial features sharpened and defined, he was much taller, shoulders got wider.

So much time passed...

Then, he heard girl's soft whisper:

- Y-You remember me...

As the only one, Uchiha Sasuke recognized her.

Hinata couldn't count times, when she talked with people, who were her friends, but none of them found the connection. She chuckled inside, how unexpected the fate could be. The boy, who after the third year of academy didn't spoke to her even once, didn't forget about her. That felt... Strange. Unexpected. Terrifying. Relieving. All the body was in pain, but also a pleasurable warmth spreaded through her heart at the same time. She shouldn't had felt like that. She should be angry, even furious, but none of these emotions shattered Hinata's soul. Sasuke watched as shaking lips opened and closed, as she held the edge of desk not to loose balance, as a single tear crossed her cheek.

- S-Sasuke-san...

Sasuke felt the heart skip, as his name came from her lips. The fact that she could remember him was a blind shot. He had no idea what would happen if she hadn't. Probably, that would be the most awkard and the most painful moment in his life. Of course, Hinata had right to - he wasn't a good friend back then, even if he wanted to. But, not all the things were up to him.
But, she did. In Sasuke's heart appeared something similar to joy. Or... would be that? He didn't know what was happening to him. Or maybe he knew, but in the end he was too scared to admit. Being glad of someone's presence was the first sign of commitment and he was afraid to let anybody get close. Sasuke was sure that his past actions and the person he became would scare them and they would surely leave. He couldn't afford loosing anyone again.

But... Looking into Hinata's eyes, he could finally find emotions in them. So different, opposite, strong. She let him see these. He knew the value of that. They had to grow up in cruel times, when lying and hiding feelings were the only way to survive. When mornings didn't give hope and nights were spent on stiching pieces of shattered hearts. She didn't deserve to live in the world like that. People with her kind and pure heart supposed to be happy, get what's the best. But there she was - fallen princess, humiliated and beaten each day, suffering in silence, keeping what only lasted - the pride. Everybody used to call her weak, but the woman, who stood in front of him was far from that. Hinata still had this sparkle in eyes, the thing that noone could beat out of her. She was still the hairess, she was still
a shinobi. Just like him. Sasuke leaned over her a little, still keeping the "safe distance" and said:

- You... Changed. A lot. But it didn't take me too much to recognize you, little Hyuga. These lenses don't match you at all. - he could see the goosebumps covering her skin, when he whispered with a smirk. - I always prefered your natural eye colour.

- Sasuke-san... - She breathed and turned her gaze as the cheeks became rosy.

- Just Sasuke. - He corrected, sitting back on the bed.

- Sasuke... - Hinata looked back at him. His expression became serious as he saw pain in that sight. - I-I'm sorry about what happened to you.

Uchiha turned to the window at these words. After a moment he looked at Hinata with a smirk.

- You are coming through hell, but still care about others... Some things never change.

He didn't need to look at her to know about the little smile appearing on Hinata's face, even if eyes were full of sorrow. Sasuke the silence between them, she turned away as thoughts rushed in head. After a longer moment of silence, the girl said a little bitterly:

- That's what I am and I've always been. B-But... I need to know one thing... T- Tell me, Sasuke. W-What have I done to you then? Why do you act like this now? W-Why now? W-Why don't you avoid me, pretend you don't know me like before?

These were the questions he feared to be asked. As they got older, things became more complicated. But, was it the reason or just an excuse? He didn't have to obey, he could do something...

Sasuke faced her, ready to take Hinata's all hate. He deserved it. But there was no hate, no anger... It was something even more painful than that - sadness, disappointment, tears of frustration crossed her pale cheeks.

Without thinking, he got on his feet and took the girl in arms. A lot of girls had cried in front of him, but watching Hyuga in such state was too much. She pushed, punched his chest, trying to free herself, but Uchiha was stronger. Tears ran like rivers, her body was shaking that embrance, but he didn't let her leave. Not again. Sasuke felt like a total fool. He didn't want to have anybody close, but hadn't she been close to his heart long before he stated that? Didn't he try to find her each time the new kids appeared in the Arena? Didn't he look after that kid only becase she had similar eyes to Hinata? Didn't the memory of her hadn't let him forget how to smile? He had to admit. There was no other way.

He didn't want her to leave.

Hinata's resistance weakened, she let her hands go on sides, just sobbing into Sasuke's wide torso. Again, the girl felt helpless. - Why do you do this to me, Uchiha?

- I...I've never wanted that! Your father, mine... I was forced to! - he shouted with broken voice, feeling like all the walls and barriers fall apart. He was strong for too long, he resisted tears for too long, he gritted teeth for too long. In the end, he was just a seventeen years old boy, who was forced to grow up and do things that many adults wouldn't handle. Sasuke Uchiha for the first time in years let someone see that. He knew that he would regret that later, but... Finally, Uchiha could tell her all these things he wished to say earlier. - I... I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry you came through all of this. You don't deserve it, Hinata. I'll make them pay for that.

Suddenly, he felt how her delicate hands stroke his back, her voice became quiter and soft as a feather.

- I-I'm sorry, Sasuke... I shouldn't...

- No, Hinata. - he didn't let Hinata finish, took her head between hands to face him. - You have the right to blame me, hate me. You have right to be angry. Just... Don't leave.

Hinata looked into his black eyes, seeing a whole different man then the person she used to know. The pain, fear and loneliness he kept under that coldness was overhelming. She could only suspect what had happened these years, that was not the right time to ask those questions. Carefully, she laid hands on his, not turning the gaze. Her touch felt much different, much better than any other. It was tender, soft, calming. This moment felt intimate for both of them, they searched answer in each other. Their hearts had beaten hardly for a moment, they had never been so close. Her cheeks were cutely beetroot red, but Hinata tried not to think about it. After few deep breaths she said quietly:

- I've never been mad at you, just... Concerned. That was... Sudden. I have no idea how many times... I... I thought what bad did I do... B-But... It doesn't matter now. L-Let's leave it to the past.

Uchiha looked at her, trying to find the proper words. Nothing. She was right. They couldn't change their past. He nodded slightly, letting hands go off her and taking step back. After a moment, he broke the silence:

- So, what's now?

- I-I'll fix your rib. - Hinata stated and cold sweat ran through his body. He completely forgot about that. - Firstly, go and take a shower. I'll come to my caravan and soon be back with some medical stuff.

- Hn, change your clothes too. I don't want you to faint by the opened wound. And take off these lenses, you have all bloodshot eyes.

Hinata swallowed loudly, ready to say something about it, but in the end Uchiha was right. She didn't want to mess up the job.

- I... I'll do it l-later. Let's go, Sasuke.

The water left in two buckets was cold, but Sasuke didn't mind it in such a hot day. More importantly, it had been much cleaner than the one given at the Arena, what was a nice variety. The boy washed himself thoroughly, taking rid of the sweat, dirt and old scabs from skin, feeling indescribeable relief. Carefully, he touched the right part of the chest, almost groaning from pain. It was swollen and bruised, even if since the incident pasted five weeks. Uchiha wished that finally he could function normally. Everything was in Hinata's hands. As her face appeared in his mind, he felt helpless and frustrated. Sasuke couldn't stop thinking about how the timid girl he used to know became such marvelous young woman. He was sure that many men were getting crazy about her. Still he felt her skin under fingers, silky hair, softness of her body and the warmth radiating from it.
After drying with an old towel, he wore too big for him clothes and took wet bangs behind. He was ready.

Uchiha rapidly entered the caravan, when he heard loud, female squeak. An unprepared eyes landed on even more unprepared for such situation person inside. Sasuke felt his heart skip as he saw almost naked Hinata, whose face turned beetroot red, just like Sasuke's. For short moment before he shut the door behind himself, his gaze turned on that breathtaking view. Her body was much more appetising than anyone could expect. With small palms she tried to cover her full, round breasts, slim waist, black panties were sticking on wide hips, nicely thick, long legs were pressed together. The porcelain skin glowed in the light, dark hair fell on shoulders in cascades, eyes in colour of pale lavender were looking at him with embarrassment and innocence. Sasuke shook his head, hissing curses to himself. She could tell him what she planned! The young man waited patiently, trying to calm beating faster than ever heart and ignoring unholy thoughts coming to his head. She made things even harder to cope with.

After few minutes, he heard Hinata's calling from inside. Biting his lower lip, he opened the door and stood in front of her. Girl's cheeks were still burning red, but midnight blue hair were taken into messy bun. She wore a sleeveless, lavender top and pair of too big, dark green shorts with brown belt that kept them at place. She was focused on preparing things before surgery, trying to avoid Uchina's gaze at all costs. Sasuke couldn't help the smirk appearing on his face.

- Take off your shirt and lay on the bed, Sasuke. - she commanded, trying not to show her embarrassment.

- Only if you join me, little Hyuga. - he said mockingly and watched as her blush become even deeper. - You could tell me earlier...

- Y-You c-could shower a little longer! And knock before coming! - she bursted in defence, stopping him from finishing sentence.

- It's my place and I don't have to knock. - he stated, laying on the bed with bare chest and watching Hinata's hips move from side to side as she walked to the desk. - Besides... Why didn't you change at your place?

Hinata stopped for a moment then looked at him through shoulder.

- I... I didn't want a-anyone to see...

He hadn't known what she talked about until she touched the back of arm. Sasuke noticed nasty bruises and cuts on ivory skin. He stood up and came closer to see the marks better. The boy frowned, feeling rising anger. Looking into her lavender eyes, he saw mix of pain, fear and shame.

- Who did this to you? - Sasuke asked coldly.

- G-Goro and one other. - she said weakly.

- For what? - his body tensed up hearing that name. No possible reason could justify such cruelty, but he had to ask.

- I... I had p-problems with the lenses and I d-didn't wear them. - Hinata tried to control the emotions, but couldn't help shaking of small hands. - He... He hates Hyugas, j-just like his uncle. They can't bear the view of my Byakugan. T-The only reason I'm still alive... is that I'm the only medic here to f-fix the troupe members... Everytime they bit them to the unconsciousness....

Uchiha was speachless. Of course, Hyugas hadn't the best reputation as a clan, but Hinata? He had known her since forever and she had never been poisoned by cruelty that others Byakugan members considered as the weakness. But, Hinata was the best between them, the most innocent, pure and kind. She didn't deserve being blamed by her clan's mistakes. From all people - not her. That was one of the things that Sasuke couldn't leave to be. His eyes were burning with rage, It took control over him. Sasuke was ready to go, when she stopped him and held his hand. Then, the boy heard her shouting the first time:

- D-Don't do that, Sasuke, they'll kill you!

- No, because I'll kill them first. - he responded coldly, trying to free himself from her hold, but Hinata didn't let him go.

- Y-You just came from Arena and your rib... You have no chances... Now... Please... Don't...

Sasuke turned to face her. With tears filling eyelids, she stubbornly held him in place. Hinata felt weak - she knew that Uchihas were unstoppable in their rage, but she had to try. She didn't want him to die because of her, the girl would never forgive herself if he would.

Then, something unexpected happened - he seemed to slowly start calming down. His hand laid on her head, stroking it gently. Hinata's hair were soft and silk in touch, smelled like herbs and flowers. He watched her carefully.
On the other hand, Hinata had no idea how to cope with such act of tenderness - let him do it or run away? Sasuke's touch felt... Nice. But why did he even bother? Why he wanted to soothe her? He was known from his cold heart and pushing everyone away. What changed? Suddenly, he said:

- You're right, It's stupid to go there now. But I won't forget them that. I'll show them their place soon.

After these words, Sasuke softly tapped her forehead with two fingers as a sign of promise. She could notice a shadow of smile appearing on his face.

- Let's get to work, Hinata.

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