V I. To trust her - part two.

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Hinata slowly nodded at the answer, not turning gaze from the pair of onyx eyes. Sasuke's agreement ment the world to her. She had to carry out the action, but her priority was keeping him safe. Nothing mattered more, life without him would be worse than staying forever at that forgotten by gods place. Sasuke... He was her weakest spot. Before he had come with Nishimura, Hyuga's time pasted on waiting 'till the day, when the plans  they created would put into practice or 'till Goro would beat her to death. But with Uchiha... There were only two options: with him or not at all. She finally got the chance from destiny - found someone worth fighting for. Hyuga could easily predict that things done by him in the past were nothing to be proud of, but she accepted that man. She knew that true him was still there, hidden behind the barricade of coldness, scared to be hurt again and visible for her only. At the end, they weren't that much different.

— Thank you, Sasuke.

She said and kissed him lightly at the beggining, but soon he could feel each of her emotions - fear, care, longing, devotion. None of the words could be enough to express them. He knew that the Hyuga heiress would never lie to him. That honesty in every action, every gaze and kiss made her the only person he could trust in that cruel world.

Sasuke didn't wait to respond the kiss, the hand laying on her head pulled them even closer. There was nothing he adored more than the feeling of Hinata's lips on his, the flowery scent filling the nose, the perfectly curved body that was like ment to fit in his arms. He didn't need anything else. Just that one person.

But the sudden rumbling from her tummy reminded Uchiha that there were also other human needs on the way. Hinata's face covered an awkward blush, he laughed under his breath. Stroking her cheek gently, he said:

— Let's grab something to eat, hime.

Hinata flushed even more at the new name and that adorable view made his heart flutter in chest. They were about to leave, when Sasuke remembered about a one, small, but significant detail. He fastly took the surprised girl back, holding found neckerchief in hand. Hyuga looked at him in confusion, when he gently pulled her long, midnight blue hair back  and leaned over the smooth bare neck. She felt him kissing the area around sensitive spot, where Uchiha had sucked on earlier.

— No matter how much I want to show all of these pricks that you're mine, your safety comes first.

Hyuga heiress gasped as his hot tongue teased the first lovebite she had ever recieved. Soon, the heat of man's lips was replaced with the touch of soft cotton. Still holding the material in hands, Sasuke looked into Hinata's eyes deeply. The smirk curled on his lips, as he noticed her subtle pleading for a kiss in gaze. So tempting, so satisfying.

— Later, little Hyuga. Two can play that game.


For the next hours the troupe members were hurried to prepare the circus tent from inside. Everything had to look exactly like old Nishimura ordered from his richly decorated chair in the middle of everything. The days of shows were these rare occasions, when the man was coming to the camp to watch over the works. Just like Akari said earlier - that time the investors would appear between the audience, so the circus owner had been obsessed about making everything "perfect". And whatever would happen during the show, it must had been the perfect time to take the action. Sasuke himself wouldn't choose it better. Hinata of course hadn't told him much, but he could predict that it might be the beginning of Nishimura's nightmare.

The rehearsal was over when the sun had set on the horizon. It was about the time, when the slaves had to change before the show. The acrobats had to wear tight, glittery bodysuites in vivid colours that exposed almost everything. Uchiha's situation wasn't that bad. At least he had trousers and blazer, both green with painted snake's scales on. Also, the snake charmer had to flat spiky hair and put on the yellow lenses resembling the eyes of these animals. With both of these things he had the biggest problems - the gel was to week to keep spiky, messy hair under control, when the contacts turned to be the most uncomfortable thing in the world and sharp edges. He understood, why Hinata's eyes didn't bare these well.

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