Chapter 13

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Vivian left the stream to enter her game. It only took a while before she received a friend request from Marshmallow. She accepted it and received an invitation to join a party. After tapping on the check mark, she was pulled in and saw that the other players were already there.

"Alright, we're all here! I'm going to queue now~ Feel free to turn on voice chat, too, if you're comfortable with it!" Marshmallow's cheery voice resounded through the in-game voice chat. She plugged in the earphones she brought with her but didn't open her VC.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me?" a familiar voice asked.

"Yes! Hi~ What position do you guys usually play?" Marshmallow replied.

"I use junglers most of the time!" the same voice enthusiastically said.

"I can do roam or support," a different voice answered.

"Alright! You probably know this already, but I usually play mid or bot. How about newplayer and King?" Marshmallow queried.

Vivian thought for a second before typing.

newplayer72836: any

KingoftheUniverse: any

Marshmallow saw the messages and exclaimed, "Why do I have a feeling that the both of you are powerful?" The audience filled the stream's chat with LOLs again, but some commented on how arrogant the replies were.

cutebabyforever18: aaaaaa i hope they wont bring our baby down!!!!!!

MarshmallowsBeloved70: even though its casual, i agree with @.cutebaby

GENIUStudent: let them be, as long as they have fun it's okay

pineapplepizzaliker: new and King sound arrogant i shouldve been the one who was chosen instead [ugly crying sticker]x10

xX_RockGirl_Xx: ah? you like pineapple on pizza? i think thats why u didnt get chosen......... [disgusted emoji]

pineapplepizzaliker: whats your problem why are you picking a fight with me????? [fist emoji]x8

With that, the chat's topic shifted from the game to whether pineapple should be on pizza or not. Meanwhile, Marshmallow and his team finally got matched.

"Since this is just a casual match, feel free to play with any hero you feel most comfortable with!" the baby-faced gamer coolly said. Each of the players locked in on their chosen hero, and 2 minutes later, the match started.

Most Handsome in the World immediately headed to the jungle to farm while KillerC and KingoftheUniverse went to the bottom lane. Marshmallow headed straight to the center while newplayer72836 headed to the top lane.

A minute into the game, Vivian pinged 'enemy missing,' which was immediately followed by a 'f*ck!' from the VC and a 'first kill' notification on the screen.

"I got ganked!" Most Handsome cried out miserably.

"It's fine, it's fine. We'll get revenge for you!" Marshmallow said, pushing the enemy on his lane back. The stream viewers couldn't help but laugh and pity the poor guy simultaneously, sending out 'condolences' to the chat box.

Killer audibly sighed and left King to assist Most Handsome instead. Vivian anticipated she would get ganked next and retreated from the enemy turrets. Just as she did, she saw three players materialize from the jungle just as another 'kill' notification appeared. An enemy's profile picture darkened, signifying that they died.

A bunch of thumbs-up emojis flooded the chat after the notification, while some commented that maybe King just got lucky. King killed the remaining enemy minions to let his team's minions push before returning to the base to heal.

One more 'kill' notification popped up, this time coming from Marshmallow. "Nice kill!" Most Handsome praised. Marshmallow thanked him and kept attacking the enemy turret when he realized the remaining three enemies weren't moving away from the top lane. He sent a mental apology and thanked the newplayer for his sacrifice.

Vivian, who finally realized that no one was going to help her: ...

The Silent Siren and Her Affectionate KingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ