Chapter 9

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It was almost nine-thirty, so she headed straight to her room on the second floor to unpack some of her things. Vivian didn't plan on unpacking all of them since she planned to promote herself to whatever highest grade she could reach, which meant that she would need to move dormitories if that ever happened. The rooms here didn't have any private bathrooms, so she had to take one in the provided shared bathroom.

Each dormitory had two wings that separated the girls from the boys, so she didn't need to worry about bumping into boys in the bathroom. After a quick shower, she dried her hair and brushed her teeth before heading to the lobby. She also noticed that more students were walking around now as compared to earlier when she first arrived here.

She saw the schedule for the bus and decided to rent a bike after seeing how early the bus arrived at their stop. She then noticed that the dorm office has a fixed schedule of opening at 8 in the morning and closing at 5 in the afternoon except on holidays, so she took a mental note of that.

After getting the information she wanted, she returned to her room to play a few games on her phone. It turned out to be a wrong decision on her part because one of the teammates she usually teamed up with was playing worse than usual, while the other one who was good at playing was offline.

Most Handsome in the World (team): Ahhhh im in a bad mood because our school is starting soon

KillerC (team): hahahahaha poor boy stop making excuses we go to the same school but im playing fine????

Most Handsome (team): Ahhhhh shut up shut up i dont want to see you talk

Most Handsome (team): How about you new, do you still attend school?

Vivian saw the question and typed out short answers.

newplayer72836 (team): yes, on monday.

Most Handsome (team): !!!!!!

Most Handsome (team): us too!!!!!! what school do you attend?

newplayer (team): no 9 high school.

KillerC (team): oh? that sounds similar to the school we attend

Vivian paused after seeing this. According to what Daisy mentioned earlier, there were 3 branches of No.9 High School located in the country's major cities.

Most Handsome (team): Maybe we go to the same school

Most Handsome (team): What city are you in right now???

newplayer (team): ...H city.

KillerC (team): !!

Most Handsome (team): !!!!!

Most Handsome (team): What are the chances!!!!!!

Just as he sent that, his character in the game was slain by an enemy passing by the bush he was hiding in. Somewhere in a cabin just hours away from the school was a boy cussing out at the enemy who had just killed him. "F*ck! This b*tch just killed me while I was chatting!" a boy with golden brown hair cursed.

His companion, a boy with dark blue hair wearing glasses, just sighed. "Of course, they would kill you; who would hide in the bush on the enemy side?" he said while killing other players on his screen.

"You're supposed to be on my—," the golden brown-haired boy whined before getting hit by a pillow to his face.

"Be quiet," a boy with black hair said. He was lying on the sofa, listening to music with an arm covering his eyes. The golden brown-haired boy gave him a stink eye before seeing a new message pop up in-game.

newplayer (team): last game. i want to rest.

Most Handsome (team): Wait bro!!! Do you want to meet up on monday??

newplayer (team): next time.

Most Handsome (team): Ah??? Why???? Do you hate me?????

newplayer (team):, just lazy.

The golden brown-haired boy looked at his screen and looked at the boy with glasses farming in the jungle. "Bro, why aren't you helping me convince him to meet up with us!" he nudged his arm.

"Aya, don't talk to me. I'm trying to get stronger," the glasses boy dismissed him.

Golden brown-haired boy: !!!! Are you really my friend???

The golden brown-haired boy just sighed and shook his head, finally leaving the base to help his teammates out. After forcing his teammates to gang up on the enemy who secretly killed him earlier, their team finally made a comeback and won with one tower left on their side.

Most Handsome (team): HAHA! We're amazing! [smug emoji] [smug emoji] [smug emoji]

Most Handsome (team): And if you ever change your mind dont be shy to message us here ok? [pitiful emoji]

Vivian, who felt stressed from how petty her teammate was earlier, just sent out a string of ellipses in response.

KillerC (team): dont mind him. i just took away his phone so go ahead and rest. gg

newplayer (team): [OK sticker] gg.

After that, Vivian finally went offline and fell asleep.

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